Configuring Revision Sequences

Administrator users can configure revision sequences for all content created on a single server. You must have the Collaborative Industry Innovator license role to define naming conventions.

Changing the revision sequence on a policy only changes the sequence for that specific policy.

See Also
Identifiers and Revisions
Configuring Naming Rules for Content
  1. Open the Collaborative Spaces Configuration Center widget. For more information, see Widgets to Configure Content and Business Rules.
  2. In the menu in the left pane, click Revision Naming Rules.

    Revision sequences with a green have been applied to that content type.

    Revisions sequences with a yellow have not been applied.

  3. For each content type, choose a revision sequence from the list. The app marks the revision sequence with a yellow .

    Note: All revision sequences are not compatible with the Primary and Secondary and Primary and Secondary for 3DEXPERIENCE Content with SOLIDWORKS Master revision formats. For more information, see Configuring Lifecycle and Collaboration Commands and About Revision Sequences.

  4. Click Apply.

    The app warns you that changing a revision naming rule could impact existing data or user’s working sessions.

  5. Click Yes. The app applies the updated revision sequences.