Configuring Naming Rules for Content

Administrator users can configure naming rules for all content created on a single server. You must have the Collaboration Sharing or Collaborative Industry Innovator license role to define naming conventions.

Note: The first time an Administrator opens the Content Naming Rules page, the app initializes the naming conventions, including the interfix value, for the supported object types. The initial rules take effect without clicking Apply.

Before you begin: You must be logged in as a Administrator. The collaboration space Owner cannot define naming rules for content.
See Also
Identifiers and Revisions
Configuring Revision Sequences
  1. Open the Collaborative Spaces Configuration Center widget. For more information, see Widgets to Configure Content and Business Rules.
  2. In the menu in the left pane, click Content Naming Rules.
  3. Specify the Identifier Interfix used in naming all types of content and select a Separator from the list.

    You cannot specify different interfix values for different types of content, or different separators between different parts of the content name. You can also choose No Separator so that nothing separates one part of the identification from the other parts.

  4. For each content type that you want to update, follow these steps:

    On premises only: For web apps, if a content type shows in this list, such as a Change Action, the naming rules defined in this widget are used when creating that type of content. The naming rules could be the default rules, or the rules you configure. These naming rules override any AutoNaming configured using the eService Object Generators (described in the Legacy ENOVIA Web Apps Customization Guide).

    When you enter a value, the Preview box shows how the server will name content based on those values.

    1. From the Content Type list, select the content type.
    2. If needed, edit the prefix value. The app provides pre-defined, unique prefixes for each type of content. Only change the prefix if required for your business processes.
    3. Enter a suffix value.
  5. Click Apply.

All content will be created using the new naming conventions. Names for existing content are not changed.