About Generating DrawingsWhen you click to open a new drawing, the Drawing Information section in the Drawing dialog box displays various options depending on the active object (a 2D layout or a product) when generating a drawing. The following table depicts the possible cases: Note:
The word "range" in this section refers to the sheet indices for drawing generation.
Drawing Information section | A 2D Layout is Active |
Drawing generation options list | - Empty sheet: Generates an empty sheet.
- All Design Sheets: Generates a drawing from all the design sheets.
- Current Sheet: Generates a drawing from the current sheet.
- Selected Sheets: Generates a drawing from the selected sheets.
- Custom Sheet Range: Generates a drawing from the defined custom range of sheets.
| Sheets range box | - Automatically fills with selected sheet indexes for the Selected Sheets option.
- For all other options, except for Custom Sheet Range, the Sheets range box is cleared.
If the product to generate the drawing is of large range, and the current range option is lower
range, the drawing generation options are not displayed and an appropriate message is
displayed in the dialog box. - Information About the Custom Sheet Range
- You can define the custom range of sheets in the Sheets range box, when the Custom Sheet Range option is selected. As soon as a text is entered in this box, the drawing generation option is switched to Custom Sheet Range. You can enter the sheet numbers or sheet ranges, or both, and separate them by commas ",". A sheet range is defined by two sheet indexes separated by a dash “-”. For example, 1, 3-5, 7.
- The following checks are performed when a custom range of sheets is defined:
- Whether the entered sheet numbers are valid or ranges are defined using the recommended syntax (commas ",' or dashes "-").
- Whether a sheet index is greater than the existing design sheet number, or whether a sheet index
matches a detail sheet, or a hidden sheet, or there is no sheet to be
An appropriate message is displayed if the system fails to comply with any of the above checks.
- 3D Polyhedral Data
- 3D polyhedral data is supported when a drawing is generated from a 2D layout view using the
Exact View generation mode.
Select the 3D
Polyhedral Data check box from
, under View generation, click
Configure next to View generation
Monitoring of Layout/Batch Drawing Generation Dialog BoxThe monitoring dialog box appears when a batch is run. It displays the progress of the drawing generation batch process started during the current session, and gives an access to the batch report and the generated drawing. Each section corresponds to a drawing generation batch. The batches are displayed in the order of
the oldest batch to the most recent. If the monitoring dialog box is already displayed and if a batch is newly started, a new line corresponding to the newly started batch generation is added. In the case of a running batch, the corresponding line of this dialog box shows:
- The progress bar showing the batch progress (it is visible in green on the
- The name of the object being generated with the indication of the current step
(Initialize batch and later the index of the processed view vs.
the total number of views to be generated).
: stops the batch. (If clicked, the report is not generated.)
: removes the line from the monitoring dialog box. (If clicked,
the line is removed, the batch execution still continues, but no information is
interactively displayed.)
In the case of an ended batch, the corresponding line of this dialog box shows:
- The name of the generated drawing representation. You can click to open it in its own
: opens the generation report as an html page in the default
- Warning
: opens the global report as an html page in the default browser,
displaying warnings or errors encountered during the generation.
: remove the line from the monitoring dialog box.
- If you close the monitoring dialog box before the process ends, or if the current session is
stopped, the batch execution process still continues and an html report is generated.
In such cases, you can access the html report from the dedicated directory. The html
report is generated by the batch infrastructure and its location is described in the
infrastructure documentation. For more information, see 3DEXPERIENCE
Native Apps: Batches.
- Whenever you run the remote drawing generation command, an .XML file is created in the file
system. For more information about this file and its location, see 3DEXPERIENCE
Native Apps: Batches .
Monitoring Dialog Box BehaviorThe monitoring dialog box is docked to the upper-right of the 2D layout window.
You can minimize it to the right of the screen. The appearance of this minimized dialog box
differs depending on the status of the batch process.
However, if you use such a minimized mode of the dialog box, it is stored as a preference and it
is displayed in the same mode for the next usage.
Automatic View Creation Using the Design Range Management
When a product or a
3D area
part or a 2D layout is active and a drawing is created, you can create a set of
views automatically.
The word "range" in this section refers to the scale of the drawing.
The following table explains the two cases of automatic view creation
using the design range:
View Generation Options for the Compatible
A 2D layout is active |
- Empty sheet
- All Design Sheets
- Current Sheet
- Selected Sheets
- Custom Sheet Range
If the ranges are not compatible, a message is displayed in the Drawing
Information tab of the
Drawing dialog box informing
you that the current range prevents the view generation.
A product or 3D area part is active |
- Empty sheet
- All views
- Front, Bottom, and Right views
- Front, Top and Left views
When a product or a 2D layout is active and the
is opened, a warning appears if the ranges of the two are not compatible. In
the warning dialog box, you have the following choices:
- Click
OK to automatically adapt the range of the
drawing with the 3D part to be represented.
- Click
Cancel to ignore the warning and use the
preferred or default range.
Generative View Creation Scenarios
The following scenarios are possible when generating views:
View from 3DYou can create views from 2D Layout for 3D Design or 3D Tolerancing & Annotation only if the range of the reference view is equal to the drawing range or according to the value of Allow view creation from 3D data of smaller range. When creating a view from 3D, the compatibility between the drawing range and the root product context range is checked prior to view creation. If the ranges are not compatible, a warning message appears and the view is not created.
View Dress-up
- 2D Components
- You cannot instantiate a 2D component in a
which has a smaller range than its own
- Geometry Import and Export
- Import and export of geometry is independent of the range of the
. For DXF,
IG2D, and DWG formats, the export generated data is computed according to the
sheet paper unit.
- When importing a DXF, IG2D or DWG file, the drawing representation is
created with the default range.
- Grid
- The characteristics of a view geometry grid depend on the range of
the representation containing that view. You can customize it for each range.
- Paper Grid
- This grid is used for snapping the position of annotations and
dress-up elements. It is adaptive to the view ratio and independent of the
range of view representation.