Using the Batch Utility from the Top Bar

You can generate layouts from 3D Tolerancing & Annotation (FTA), or a drawing representation from a layout, export as .svg, or print a layout using a batch process without interrupting your current interactive session.

Note: If you select the Make the drawing shareable check box in Me > Preferences > App Preferences > 3D Modeling > Mechanical Systems > Drafting > Drawing section, the drawing generated with this method is shareable, by default.

Before you begin:
  • Open a 2D layout representation of a 3D shape and double-click Sheet.1 in the tree to open the layout.
  • Select the following options from Me > Preferences > App Preferences > 3D Modeling > Mechanical Systems > Drafting > View:
    • Under View generation, select the Exact view mode. See View Generation. Other view generation modes are not supported.
    • Under View from 3D, select the Generate 2D Geometry check box. See View from 3D.
    • Select the Disable annotations validity and readability treatment check box in Me > Preferences > App Preferences > 3D Modeling > Mechanical Systems > 3D Tolerancing and Annotation > Administration > Annotation Set.
  1. In the top bar, select Add > Layout/Drawing Batch Utility.
  2. In 3D Tolerancing & Annotation context, in the Layout/Drawing Batch panel, select from the following options:
    1. Select the View Layout check box, and click Get more option for this action next to View Layout to specify the layout options.

      In the View Layout Options panel, specify the following options:

      • Select the Clean, repair, and position the annotations check box to remove the non-repairable annotations, repairs the repairable annotations, and positions all the annotations in the generated view and drawing.

        You can also update the BOM, clean invalid assembly annotations, and reposition the balloons, in the assembly context.

      • Specify the context between Annotation Set, Captures, or Views for layout and drawing generation.

    2. Select the Save Layout check box, and click Get more option for this action next to Save Layout to specify whether to save the layout as a new revision.

    The above options are available only if the current 3D representation contains an FTA annotation set with at least one FTA view or FTA capture in the Layout/Drawing Batch utility.

  3. Select the required drawing generation option from the list.

    For more information about the drawing generation options, see About Generating Drawings from a Layout.

  4. Select the Save Drawing check box, and click Get more option for this action next to Save Drawing.

    In the Representation Options dialog box, specify the following options:

    • Drawing Type: the default type is that defined in the drawing standard: Drawing.

      Customized drawing representation types are accessible by clicking ... .

    • Representation Name: the representation name is automatically generated but it can be modified.
    • Nature: default representation nature is Presentation.

      Definition and Specification are also available.

    • Insert drawing in ...: defines whether the drawing representation is added to the current product.
      Note: The full name of this option is generated using the current product name.

      By default, this option is selected.

  5. Select the Export Drawing check box, and click Get more option for this action next to Export Drawing.

    You can define a path to save the svg file.

  6. Select the Print Drawing check box, and click Get more option for this action in Print Drawing.

    You can define the print options.

  7. Expand the Run generation on local computer using ISO standard.

    Note: The title of this section is generated according to selected options.

    • You can select the required standard from the list.

      By default, the list value initializes to the standard selected for the drawing creation.

    • You can select whether the process is run on a local computer or on a remote server.

      While running a batch on a remote server, a server monitor process must be running on this server, see in Installation and Setup User's Guide: Install: 3DEXPERIENCE Platform: Installing 3DEXPERIENCE Platform Services for the First Time: Installing Services One-by-One: Native Apps: Configuring the Software: Configuring Batch Monitoring.

      For more information about running remote batches, see Running Batches in Remote Mode.

  8. Click Start batch process .


    Only the selected options are processed:Select to perform this action on the generated drawing .

    The batch process execution starts which replaces the current dialog box with a monitoring dialog box, named as Monitoring of Layout/Batch Drawing Generation.

    In the dialog box, the batch execution progress is displayed in green with the name of the drawing representation being generated and the indication of the current step. (Initialize batch and later the index of the processed view vs the total number of views to be generated.)

    After the batch execution process is completed, the links to the html report and to the generated drawing are created. To open the report or drawing, click the link.