About Creating Equidistant Points

This topic provides information needed to create equidistant points.

This page discusses:

See Also
Creating Equidistant Points

About the Equidistant Point Command

Keep in mind the following when using the Equidistant Points command:

  • You can edit points one after the other. To do this, double-click one point and redefine either the Cartesian or the polar coordinates in the Point Definition dialog box.
  • Modifications applied to the supporting element are not applied to points.

Symbols Representing Points

Points are represented either by crosses or by points, depending on the chosen creation mode.

  • In standard mode, which is the default mode, points created on a line, for example, are represented by crosses. The points and the line are visible outside the Sketcher app.
  • Points generated by the break operations are created in construction mode, even if the Construction/Standard Element is set to Standard.

    For more information, see Sketcher Users' Guide: Before You Begin: About Tools for Sketching.

  • It is possible to configure the point representation using the Edit > Properties command. Select the point representation in the Symbol list in the Graphic tab.

Equivalent Dimensions

One equivalent dimension is created for all the distance/radius parameters between the points or radii respectively. You can alter this equivalent dimension value and change the value of all the distance or radius parameters simultaneously.

It is displayed in the Relations node in the tree and consists of all the parameters for distances/radii. For more information about this, see Optimization of the Corner Operation by Multi-Selection.