Creating Equidistant Points

You can create a set of equidistant points on a line, a curve or between two points.

Before you begin:
  • Create a line, a spline or two points.
  • Select the Create Detected Constraints from the Sketch section and the Show Constraints from the View section of the action bar.
See Also
Creating a Point
Creating Points Using Coordinates
Creating Points Using Intersection
Creating Points Using Projection
About Creating Equidistant Points
  1. From the Sketch section of the action bar, click Equidistant Points .
  2. Select an element.

    Note: You can select a line, a spline or two points you want to add equidistant points between.

    The Equidistant Point dialog box appears.

    By default, ten equidistant new points are previewed.

    To create the equidistant points in reverse direction, click Reverse Direction .

  3. Select one of the extremity points of the line as the starting point.

    The Parameters and Spacing boxes are available. By default, the New Points box is available.

  4. In the New Points box, enter the required number.
    • If you type a value in the box, you have to press Enter to update the point distribution.
    • If you use the arrows to modify the value, the point distribution is automatically updated.
  5. In the Spacing box, enter the spacing between two points.
    Two points are displayed and distributed along the line.

  6. In the Parameters list, select Points & Length.
  7. In the Length box, enter a value.
    The length value represents the distance between the starting point and the last new point created.
  8. Press Enter if needed.
    The point distribution is modified.

  9. In the Parameters list, select Spacing & Length.
  10. In the Spacing and Length boxes, enter respective values.
  11. Press Enter if needed.
    Three new points are now displayed, but the point distribution is not modified.

    • When you create equidistant points on a curve where the curve is used as a support, curvilinear distance constraints are created.

    • When the sum of equivalent dimensions is greater than the length of the support curve, the number of points are automatically adjusted. Only the points whose sum of dimensions is less than the length of the curve are created. For example, if the curve length is 100 units and you want to create 15 points with equivalent dimensions of 10 units, only ten points with equivalent dimensions are created.