Generative View Style Parameters Override
Overriding generative view style parameters locally is possible using the dedicated GVS Editor dialog box.
You can also select the Enable parameter override check box (through section, under Generative view style) to enable parameter override.
When you select the Enable parameter override check box, you can right-click the view and select Properties > GVS, and click Override GVS Parameter to override the parameters of the view.
Later if you clear the Enable parameter override check box, the parameter override is disabled for the newly created views. The views with overridden parameters are not affected. You can still override the parameters of such views.
The GVS Editor dialog box lets you override the generative view style parameter values for the selected view(s). It is composed of the following:
- The left pane: The left pane of the dialog box displays various app specific generative view styles. You can click the required generative view style node and navigate through the generative view style XML tree structure.
- Parameter tab: Once you click on any of the
nodes (parameters) in the left pane for edition, the
Parameter tab in the right pane displays the
actual value of the chosen parameter. You can change the values as per your
Note: An asterisk (*) symbol appears with the parameter name indicating that the value of the chosen parameter is overridden. Additionally, Reset appears which lets you reset the overridden parameter value to the original value being defined in the generative view style for that view.
- All Overridden Parameters tab: It displays
all the parameters at a glance which are being modified/overridden for that
particular view. ll the overridden parameters are grouped with respect to the
first level
node for easy identification and classification. You can edit the values of the
overridden parameters.
This tab also displays the following buttons:
- Reset: Lets you reset the overridden parameter value to the original value being defined in the generative view style for that view.
- Reset All: Lets you reset all the overridden parameter values with one single click.
- Search: The Search box lets you search the required parameters quickly by entering the first letters of the desired parameter name. The search results are immediately displayed in a list below the Search box. You can select the desired parameter from search result which is then displayed in the tree structure in the left pane and also in the Parameter tab for overriding.
- Filter: Lets you filter the tree structure
based on the first level
related nodes of the generative view style xml. For example, if you want only
related nodes in the tree structure, then you can select
in this filter list.
The first default option in the Filter list shows the name of the current generative view style which is being edited. When you select any option from the list, then only the tree structure is filtered.