Export of Views
This sub-topic provides more information about the export of drawing views to a layout.
- You cannot export generative views (generated from the 3D via the Drafting app) to a layout sheet unless you isolate them first. In other words, you can only export interactive views or isolated generated views.
- Whatever their original type, all exported views are created as auxiliary views in the drawing, even though they keep the same name. For example, a left view in a layout sheet will still be called left view in the drawing but will be an auxiliary type view.
- You can only export to a layout sheet the drawing view types listed
- Front, Left, Right, Top, Bottom, Rear and Auxiliary View
- Isometric View (no geometrical element will be visualized in the 3D window)
- Isolated Section View and isolated Section Cut.
You cannot export any other view type than those listed above, and you cannot export views in detail sheets.
- The position in 3D space of layout views thus generated is implicitly defined by the drawing view.
- You cannot export a drawing view to a layout detail sheet.