Exporting a Drawing View to a Layout

You can create a layout view containing geometry, annotations, dimensions, and dress-up elements, from a selected view in a drawing.

You can create a layout view from a new view in a drawing.

Before you begin:
  • Open a 3D shape representation containing a layout and a drawing.
  • Double-click Sheet.1 in the tree to open the empty layout in the 2D window.
  • Open the drawing representation containing views.
See Also
About Exporting a Drawing View to a Layout
  1. In the Drawing tab, from the View Layout section of the action bar, select New View .
  2. Create a view.

    For more information, see 3D Modeling: Mechanical Systems: Drafting User's Guide: Creating Views: Creating Views.

  3. From the View Layout section of the action bar, select Transfer Views in a Layout .
  4. Select the created view, either from the tree or from the drawing sheet.

    The view as seen in the drawing sheet

  5. In the View Conversion Options dialog box, select the required conversion options from the following:
    • Elements to Generate: Generates the following elements apart from the geometry itself. Select the required elements from the following:
      • Dress-Up
      • Annotations
      • Dimensions
    • Convert black to white: Generates the elements (dress-up, annotations, dimensions, and geometry) selected above using the white color in the layout if they are black in the drawing for better visual contrast.
    • Create end points: Creates points at the end of geometrical items which do not have any. Leaving this option unselected reduces the size of 2D layout data and increases performance.
  6. Click OK.
  7. In the Layout tab, select the empty sheet either from the tree or from the 3D area.
    The selected view is transferred from the drawing sheet to the layout view and is listed in the tree.
    The view as seen in the layout sheet after transferring (In the View Conversion Options dialog box, the Dimensions check box is selected)

  8. Click OK.
  9. Switch to the 3D shape tab.
    The selected objects are now projected in the 3D area.
    The view as seen in the 3D area