Dimension Styles

The dimension styles let you define the default values that will be used when creating different types of dimensions.

This page discusses:

About Dimension Styles

Dimension styles are located in the Styles node of the Standard Definition editor, available via Me > Preferences > Standards.

By default, a style called Default is available for each dimension style.

All parameters are taken into account both at creation time (i.e. when creating a dimension), and at modification time (i.e. when reapplying a style to a dimension).

Length/Distance Dimension Styles

Parameter Description
Value > Orientation Reference Specifies whether the screen, the view, the dimension line or the extension line should be used as the reference for the Length/Distance Dimension value orientation.
Value > AngleSpecifies the Length/Distance Dimension value orientation angle according to the chosen reference.
Value > Position Specifies the Length/Distance Dimension value position.
Value > Horizontal Offset Specifies the horizontal offset value for Length/Distance Dimension values:
  • If Value > OrientationReference is set to Screen, the horizontal direction is defined by the X axis of the screen.
  • If Value > OrientationReference is set to View, the horizontal direction is defined by the X axis of the view.
  • If Value > OrientationReference is set to Dimension Line, the horizontal direction is parallel to the dimension line.
  • If Value > OrientationReference is set to Extension Line, the horizontal direction is parallel to the dimension extension line.
Value > Vertical Offset Specifies the vertical offset value for Length/Distance Dimension values:
  • If Value > OrientationReference is set to Screen, the horizontal direction is defined by the Y axis of the screen.
  • If Value > OrientationReference is set to View, the horizontal direction is defined by the Y axis of the view.
  • If Value > OrientationReference is set to Dimension Line, the horizontal direction is normal to the dimension line.
  • If Value > OrientationReference is set to Extension Line, the horizontal direction is normal to the dimension extension line.
Value > Display Mode Choose the display mode you want for the Length/Distance Dimension:
  • Show value: Displays the dimension, its leader and its frame.
  • Show box: Replaces the dimension and its frame by a rectangular box and displays its leader.
  • Hide value: Hides the dimension and its frame but displays its leader.
Value > Distance Dimension: Take break into account Specifies whether or not to take the break value into account.
Driving Indicates whether or not Length/Distance Dimensions should be driving dimensions.
Dual Value Display Specifies if there is a dual value display for the Length/Distance Dimension, and, if any, what kind (for example fractional, side-by-side, etc.). If this value is not activated, the following dual values are not taken into account, for any dimension type:
  • All parameters below the node Value Display Format > Dual Value
  • All parameters below the node Tolerance > Dual Value
  • All parameters below the node Associated Texts > Dual value
  • The value Framing > Dual Value Scoring
  • The value Fake > Dual Value
Value Display > Format Main Value > Name Specifies the name of the main value display format. Make sure that the display format specified here belongs to the list of Value Display styles allowed on dimensions, as defined in the General > AllowedNumericalFormats node of the Standards editor.
Value Display > Main Value > Displayed Factor Number Specifies the number of factors displayed for the main value, according to the number of factors available for the value display format used by this style.
Value Display > Main Value > Precision Mode Specifies whether the precision mode for the main value will be decimal or fractional.
Value Display > Main Value > Precision Specifies the precision for the main value.
Value Display Format > Dual Value > Name Specifies the name of the dual value display format, if any. Make sure that the display format specified here belongs to the list of Value Display styles allowed on dimensions, as defined in the General > AllowedNumericalFormats node of the Standards editor.
Value Display Format > Dual Value > Displayed Factor Number Specifies the number of factors displayed for the dual value (if any), according to the number of factors available for the value display format used by this style.
Value Display Format > Dual Value > Precision Mode Specifies whether the precision mode for the dual value (if any) will be decimal or fractional.
Value Display Format > Dual Value > Precision Specifies the precision for the dual value, if any.
Fake > Mode Indicates whether Length/Distance Dimensions will be fake dimensions, and, if yes, of what type (for example numerical or alphanumerical).
Fake > Main Value Specifies the fake main value for Length/Distance Dimensions.
Fake > Dual Value Specifies the fake dual value for Length/Distance Dimensions.
Tolerance > Main Value > Format Specifies the tolerance main value format for Length/Distance Dimensions.
Tolerance > Main Value > First Alphanumerical Value Specifies the first alphanumerical value for the tolerance main value.
Tolerance > Main Value > Second Alphanumerical Value Specifies the second alphanumerical value for the tolerance main value.
Tolerance > Main Value > Numerical Lower Specifies the lower numerical for the tolerance main value.
Tolerance > Main Value > Numerical Upper Specifies the upper numerical for the tolerance main value.
Tolerance > Dual Value > FormatSpecifies the tolerance dual value format for Length/Distance Dimensions.
Tolerance > Dual Value > First Alphanumerical Value Specifies the first alphanumerical value for the tolerance dual value.
Tolerance > Dual Value > Second Alphanumerical Value Specifies the second alphanumerical value for the tolerance dual value.
Tolerance > Dual Value > Numerical Lower Specifies the lower numerical for the tolerance dual value.
Tolerance > Dual Value > Numerical Upper Specifies the upper numerical for the tolerance dual value.
Dimension Line > Representation Specifies how the dimension line should be represented (for example regular, one-part leader, etc.)
Dimension Line > Color Specifies the color that should be used to display dimension lines.
Dimension Line > Thickness Specifies the line thickness index (as defined in the LineThickness node of the current standard) that should be used to represent dimension lines.
Dimension Line > Second Part Reference In the case of Two parts or Leader two parts for the representation, specifies the Reference for positioning the second part of the dimension line.
Dimension Line > Second Part Angle In the case of Two parts or Leader two parts for the representation, specifies the angle for the second part of the dimension line in relation to its reference.
Dimension Line > Leader Angle Specifies the angle for the dimension line leader.
Dimension Line > Leader LengthSpecifies the length for the first part of a Leader two parts. By default, the Leader Length value is 15mm.
Symbols > First Symbol > Type Specifies the type of the first symbol (for example arrow, filled circle, etc.) that should be used for Length/Distance Dimensions. If you choose the Automatic option, simple arrow will be used by default.
Symbols > First Symbol > Color Specifies the color of the first symbol.
Symbols > First Symbol > Thickness Specifies the line thickness index (as defined in the LineThickness node of the current standard) of the first symbol.
Symbols > Second Symbol > Type Specifies the type of the second symbol (for example arrow, filled circle, etc.) that should be used for Length/Distance Dimensions. If you choose the Automatic option, simple arrow will be used by default.
Symbols > Second Symbol > Color Specifies the color of the second symbol.
Symbols > Second Symbol > Thickness Specifies the line thickness index (as defined in the LineThickness node of the current standard) of the second symbol.
Symbols > Symbol Mode Specifies the symbol mode (for example inside, outside, etc.).
Extension Line > Color Specifies the color of the Length/Distance Dimension extension line.
Extension Line > Thickness Specifies the line thickness index (as defined in the LineThickness node of the current standard) of the Length/Distance Dimension extension line.
Extension Line > Slant Angle Specifies the slant angle for the extension line. This angle is contained between 90 degrees and -90 degrees excluded, the default angle being 0 degree.
Extension Line > Left > Hide Indicates whether or not the left extension line should be hidden.
Extension Line > Left > Overrun Specifies the overrun for the left extension line.
Extension Line > Left > Blanking Specifies the blanking for the left extension line.
Extension Line > Right > Hide Indicates whether or not the right extension line should be hidden.
Extension Line > Right > Overrun Specifies the overrun for the right extension line.
Extension Line > Right > Blanking Specifies the blanking for the right extension line.
Extension Line > Funnel > Display Indicates whether or not the extension line should be displayed as a funnel.
Extension Line > Funnel > Height Specifies the funnel height.
Extension Line > Funnel > Width Specifies the funnel width.
Extension Line > Funnel > Angle Specifies the funnel angle.
Extension Line > Funnel > Mode Specifies the funnel mode (external or internal).
Extension Line > Funnel > Side Specifies whether the funnel should be applied on the left or bottom, on the right or top, or on both sides.
Associated Texts > Main Value > Prefix Specifies the prefix for the main value of the associated text.
Associated Texts > Main Value > Suffix Specifies the suffix for the main value of the associated text.
Associated Texts > Main Value > Before Specifies the text that should be displayed before the main value of the associated text.
Associated Texts > Main Value > After Specifies the text that should be displayed after the main value of the associated text.
Associated Texts > Main Value > Upper Specifies the text that should be displayed above the main value of the associated text.
Associated Texts > Main Value > Lower Specifies the text that should be displayed below the main value of the associated text.
Associated Texts > Dual Value > Before Specifies the text that should be displayed before the dual value of the associated text.
Associated Texts > Dual Value > After Specifies the text that should be displayed after the dual value of the associated text.
Associated Texts > Dual Value > Upper Specifies the text that should be displayed above the dual value of the associated text.
Associated Texts > Dual Value > Lower Specifies the text that should be displayed below the dual value of the associated text.
Framing > Framed Subpart Specifies whether the frame subpart should display the value, the value and tolerance, etc.
Framing > Framed Group Specifies whether the framed group should display the main value, the dual value, both values separately, etc.
Framing > Frame Specifies the type of frame that should be used for Length/Distance Dimensions. Note that fixed-size frames are defined in the Frame node of the current standard. Accepted values: none, circle, fixed-size scored circle, fixed-size diamond, fixed-size square, rectangle, oblong, right flag, fixed-size triangle
Framing > Main Value Scoring Specifies the main value scoring.
Framing > Dual Value Scoring Specifies the dual value scoring.
Font > Name Specifies the name of the font that should be used for Length/Distance Dimension texts. If no font name is specified, the system's default font will be used.
Font > Bold Indicates whether or not Length/Distance Dimension texts should be displayed in bold.
Font > Italic Indicates whether or not Length/Distance Dimension texts should be displayed in italic.
Font > Size Indicates the font size that should be used for Length/Distance Dimension texts.
Font > Color Specifies the color that should be used to display Length/Distance Dimension texts.
Font > Underline Indicates whether or not Length/Distance Dimension texts should be underlined (in this case, overline cannot be applied).
Font > Strikethrough Indicates whether or not strikethrough should be used for Length/Distance Dimension texts.
Font > Overline Indicates whether or not Length/Distance Dimension texts should be overlined (in this case, underline cannot be applied).
Font > Ratio Specifies the character width.
Font > Spacing Specifies the spacing between characters.
Font > Apply Scale Indicates whether or not Length/Distance Dimension texts should be scaled according to the view or the 2D reference component's scale.
Font > Blank Background Indicates whether or not the background should be blank.

Angle Dimension Styles

Parameter Name Description
Value > Orientation Reference Specifies whether the screen, the view, the dimension line or the extension line should be used as the reference for the angle dimension value orientation.
Value > Angle Specifies the angle dimension value orientation angle according to the chosen reference.
Value > Position Specifies the angle dimension value position.
Value > Horizontal Offset Specifies the horizontal offset value for Angle Dimension values:
  • If Value > OrientationReference is set to Screen, the horizontal direction is defined by the X axis of the screen.
  • If Value > OrientationReference is set to View, the horizontal direction is defined by the X axis of the view.
  • If Value > OrientationReference is set to Dimension Line, the horizontal direction is parallel to the dimension line.
  • If Value > OrientationReference is set to Extension Line, the horizontal direction is parallel to the dimension extension line.
Value > Vertical Offset Specifies the vertical offset value for Angle Dimension values:
  • If Value > OrientationReference is set to Screen, the horizontal direction is defined by the Y axis of the screen.
  • If Value > OrientationReference is set to View, the horizontal direction is defined by the Y axis of the view.
  • If Value > OrientationReference is set to Dimension Line, the horizontal direction is normal to the dimension line.
  • If Value > OrientationReference is set to Extension Line, the horizontal direction is normal to the dimension extension line.
Value > Display Mode Choose the display mode you want for the Angle Dimension:
  • Show value: Displays the dimension, its leader and its frame.
  • Show box: Replaces the dimension and its frame by a rectangular box and displays its leader.
  • Hide value: Hides the dimension and its frame but displays its leader.
Driving Indicates whether or not angle dimensions should be driving dimensions.
Dual Value Display Specifies whether there will be a dual value display for the angle dimension, and, if any, what kind (for example fractional, side-by-side, etc.).
Value Display Format > Main Value > Name Specifies the name of the main value display format. Make sure that the display format specified here belongs to the list of Value Display styles allowed on dimensions, as defined in the General > AllowedNumericalFormats node of the Standards editor.
Value Display Format > Main Value > Displayed Factor Number Specifies the number of factors displayed for the main value, according to the number of factors available for the value display format used by this style.
Value Display Format > Main Value > Precision Mode Specifies whether the precision mode for the main value will be decimal or fractional.
Value Display Format > Main Value > Precision Specifies the precision for the main value.
Value Display Format > Dual Value > Name Specifies the name of the dual value display format, if any. Make sure that the display format specified here belongs to the list of Value Display styles allowed on dimensions, as defined in the General > AllowedNumericalFormats node of the Standards editor.
Value Display Format > Dual Value > Displayed Factor Number Specifies the number of factors displayed for the dual value (if any), according to the number of factors available for the value display format used by this style.
Value Display Format > Dual Value > Precision Mode Specifies whether the precision mode for the dual value (if any) will be decimal or fractional.
Value Display Format > Dual Value > Precision Specifies the precision for the dual value, if any.
Fake > Mode Indicates whether angle dimensions will be fake dimensions, and, if yes, of what type (for example numerical or alphanumerical).
Fake > Main Value Specifies the fake main value for angle dimensions.
Fake > Dual Value Specifies the fake dual value for angle dimensions.
Tolerance > Main Value > Format Specifies the tolerance main value format for angle dimensions.
Tolerance > Main Value > First Alphanumerical Value Specifies the first alphanumerical value for the tolerance main value.
Tolerance > Main Value > Second Alphanumerical Value Specifies the second alphanumerical value for the tolerance main value.
Tolerance > Main Value > Numerical Lower Specifies the lower numerical for the tolerance main value.
Tolerance > Main Value > Numerical Upper Specifies the upper numerical for the tolerance main value.
Tolerance > Dual Value > Format Specifies the tolerance dual value format for angle dimensions.
Tolerance > Dual Value > First Alphanumerical Value Specifies the first alphanumerical value for the tolerance dual value.
Tolerance > Dual Value > Second Alphanumerical Value Specifies the second alphanumerical value for the tolerance dual value.
Tolerance > Dual Value > Numerical Lower Specifies the lower numerical for the tolerance dual value.
Tolerance > Dual Value > Numerical Upper Specifies the upper numerical for the tolerance dual value.
Dimension Line > Representation Specifies how the dimension line should be represented (for example regular, one-part leader, etc.)
Dimension Line > Color Specifies the color that should be used to display dimension lines.
Dimension Line > Thickness Specifies the line thickness index (as defined in the LineThickness node of the current standard) that should be used to represent dimension lines.
Dimension Line > Second Part Reference In the case of Two parts or Leader two parts for the representation, specifies the Reference for positioning the second part of the dimension line.
Dimension Line > Second Part Angle In the case of Two parts or Leader two parts for the representation, specifies the angle for the second part of the dimension line in relation to its reference.
Dimension Line > Leader Angle Specifies the angle for the dimension line leader.
Dimension Line > Leader LengthSpecifies the first part length at dimension creation. By default, the Leader Length value is 15mm.
Symbols > First Symbol> Type Specifies the type of the first symbol (for example arrow, filled circle, etc.) that should be used for angle dimensions. If you choose the Automatic option, simple arrow will be used by default.
Symbols > First Symbol> Color Specifies the color of the first symbol.
Symbols > First Symbol> Thickness Specifies the line thickness index (as defined in the LineThickness node of the current standard) of the first symbol.
Symbols > Second Symbol > Type Specifies the type of the second symbol (for example arrow, filled circle, etc.) that should be used for angle dimensions. If you choose the Automatic option, simple arrow will be used by default.
Symbols > Second Symbol > Color Specifies the color of the second symbol.
Symbols > Second Symbol > Thickness Specifies the line thickness index (as defined in the LineThickness node of the current standard) of the second symbol.
Symbols > Symbol Mode Specifies the symbol mode (for example inside, outside, etc.).
Extension Line > Color Specifies the color of the angle dimension extension line.
Extension Line > Thickness Specifies the line thickness index (as defined in the LineThickness node of the current standard) of the angle dimension extension line.
Extension Line > Slant Angle Specifies the slant angle for the extension line. This angle is contained between 90 degrees and -90 degrees excluded, the default angle being 0 degree.
Extension Line > Left > Hide Indicates whether or not the left extension line should be hidden.
Extension Line > Left > Overrun Specifies the overrun for the left extension line.
Extension Line > Left > Blanking Specifies the blanking for the left extension line.
Extension Line > Right > Hide Indicates whether or not the right extension line should be hidden.
Extension Line > Right > Overrun Specifies the overrun for the right extension line.
Extension Line > Right > Blanking Specifies the blanking for the right extension line.
Associated Texts > Main Value > Prefix Specifies the prefix for the main value of the associated text.
Associated Texts > Main Value > Suffix Specifies the suffix for the main value of the associated text.
Associated Texts > Main Value > Before Specifies the text that should be displayed before the main value of the associated text.
Associated Texts > Main Value > After Specifies the text that should be displayed after the main value of the associated text.
Associated Texts > Main Value > Upper Specifies the text that should be displayed above the main value of the associated text.
Associated Texts > Main Value > Lower Specifies the text that should be displayed below the main value of the associated text.
Associated Texts > Dual Value > Before Specifies the text that should be displayed before the dual value of the associated text.
Associated Texts > Dual Value > After Specifies the text that should be displayed after the dual value of the associated text.
Associated Texts > Dual Value > Upper Specifies the text that should be displayed above the dual value of the associated text.
Associated Texts > Dual Value > Lower Specifies the text that should be displayed below the dual value of the associated text.
Framing > Framed Subpart Specifies whether the frame subpart should display the value, the value and tolerance, etc.
Framing > Framed Group Specifies whether the framed group should display the main value, the dual value, both values separately, etc.
Framing > Frame Specifies the type of frame that should be used for angle dimensions. Note that fixed-size frames are defined in the Frame node of the current standard. Accepted values: none, circle, fixed-size scored circle, fixed-size diamond, fixed-size square, rectangle, oblong, right flag, fixed-size triangle
Framing > Main Value Scoring Specifies the main value scoring.
Framing > Dual Value Scoring Specifies the dual value scoring.
Font > Name Specifies the name of the font that should be used for angle dimension texts. If no font name is specified, the system's default font will be used.
Font > Bold Indicates whether or not angle dimension texts should be displayed in bold.
Font > Italic Indicates whether or not angle dimension texts should be displayed in italic.
Font > Size Indicates the font size that should be used for angle dimension texts.
Font > Color Specifies the color that should be used to display angle dimension texts.
Font > Underline Indicates whether or not angle dimension texts should be underlined (in this case, overline cannot be applied).
Font > Strikethrough Indicates whether or not strikethrough should be used for angle dimension texts.
Font > Overline Indicates whether or not angle dimension texts should be overlined (in this case, underline cannot be applied).
Font > Ratio Specifies the character width.
Font > Spacing Specifies the spacing between characters.
Font > Apply Scale Indicates whether or not angle dimension texts should be scaled according to the view or the 2D reference component's scale.
Font > Blank Background Indicates whether or not the background should be blank.

Radius Dimension Styles

Parameter Name Description
Value > Orientation Reference Specifies whether the screen, the view or the dimension line should be used as the reference for the radius dimension value orientation.
Value > Angle Specifies the radius dimension value orientation angle according to the chosen reference.
Value > Position Specifies the radius dimension value position.
Value > Horizontal Offset Specifies the horizontal offset value for Radius Dimension values:
  • If Value > OrientationReference is set to Screen, the horizontal direction is defined by the X axis of the screen.
  • If Value > OrientationReference is set to View, the horizontal direction is defined by the X axis of the view.
  • If Value > OrientationReference is set to Dimension Line, the horizontal direction is parallel to the dimension line.
Value > Vertical Offset Specifies the vertical offset value for Radius Dimension values:
  • If Value > OrientationReference is set to Screen, the horizontal direction is defined by the Y axis of the screen.
  • If Value > OrientationReference is set to View, the horizontal direction is defined by the Y axis of the view.
  • If Value > OrientationReference is set to Dimension Line, the horizontal direction is normal to the dimension line.
Value > Display Mode Choose the display mode you want for the Radius Dimension:
  • Show value: Displays the dimension, its leader and its frame.
  • Show box: Replaces the dimension and its frame by a rectangular box and displays its leader.
  • Hide value: Hides the dimension and its frame but displays its leader.
Driving Indicates whether or not radius dimensions should be driving dimensions.
Dual Value Display Specifies whether there will be a dual value display for the radius dimension, and, if any, what kind (for example fractional, side-by-side, etc.).
Value Display Format > Main Value > Name Specifies the name of the main value display format. Make sure that the display format specified here belongs to the list of Value Display styles allowed on dimensions, as defined in the General > AllowedNumericalFormats node of the Standards editor.
Value Display Format > Main Value > Displayed Factor Number Specifies the number of factors displayed for the main value, according to the number of factors available for the value display format used by this style.
Value Display Format > Main Value > Precision Mode Specifies whether the precision mode for the main value will be decimal or fractional.
Value Display Format > Main Value > Precision Specifies the precision for the main value.
Value Display Format > Dual Value > Name Specifies the name of the dual value display format, if any. Make sure that the display format specified here belongs to the list of Value Display styles allowed on dimensions, as defined in the General > AllowedNumericalFormats node of the Standards editor.
Value Display Format > Dual Value > Displayed Factor Number Specifies the number of factors displayed for the dual value (if any), according to the number of factors available for the value display format used by this style.
Value Display Format > Dual Value > Precision Mode Specifies whether the precision mode for the dual value (if any) will be decimal or fractional.
Value Display Format > Dual Value > Precision Specifies the precision for the dual value, if any.
Fake > Mode Indicates whether radius dimensions will be fake dimensions, and, if yes, of what type (for example numerical or alphanumerical).
Fake > Main Value Specifies the fake main value for radius dimensions.
Fake > Dual Value Specifies the fake dual value for radius dimensions.
Tolerance > Main Value > Format Specifies the tolerance main value format for radius dimensions.
Tolerance > Main Value > First Alphanumerical Value Specifies the first alphanumerical value for the tolerance main value.
Tolerance > Main Value > Second Alphanumerical Value Specifies the second alphanumerical value for the tolerance main value.
Tolerance > Main Value > Numerical Lower Specifies the lower numerical for the tolerance main value.
Tolerance > Main Value > Numerical Upper Specifies the upper numerical for the tolerance main value.
Tolerance > Dual Value > Format Specifies the tolerance dual value format for radius dimensions.
Tolerance > Dual Value > First Alphanumerical Value Specifies the first alphanumerical value for the tolerance dual value.
Tolerance > Dual Value > Second Alphanumerical Value Specifies the second alphanumerical value for the tolerance dual value.
Tolerance > Dual Value > Numerical Lower Specifies the lower numerical for the tolerance dual value.
Tolerance > Dual Value > Numerical Upper Specifies the upper numerical for the tolerance dual value.
Dimension Line > Representation Specifies how the dimension line should be represented (for example regular, one-part leader, etc.)
Dimension Line > Color Specifies the color that should be used to display dimension lines.
Dimension Line > Thickness Specifies the line thickness index (as defined in the LineThickness node of the current standard) that should be used to represent dimension lines.
Dimension Line > Second Part Reference In the case of Two parts or Leader two parts for the representation, specifies the Reference for positioning the second part of the dimension line.
Dimension Line > Second Part Angle In the case of Two parts or Leader two parts for the representation, specifies the angle for the second part of the dimension line in relation to its reference.
Dimension Line > Leader Angle Specifies the angle for the dimension line leader.
Dimension Line > Till Center Indicates whether or not the dimension line should reach the center.
Dimension Line > Extension From Standard Indicates whether or not the extension of the dimension line should be driven by the standards. If set to Yes, then the DimensionLine > TillCenter parameter is not taken into account; in this case, the extension is performed as defined by the DIMLRadiusIntReachCenter and the DIMLRadiusExtReachCenter standard parameters. See Dimension Parameters for more information.
Dimension Line > Leader LengthSpecifies the first part length at dimension creation. By default, the Leader Length value is 15mm.
Symbols > First Symbol> Type Specifies the type of the first symbol (for example arrow, filled circle, etc.) that should be used for radius dimensions. If you choose the Automatic option, simple arrow will be used by default.
Symbols > First Symbol> Color Specifies the color of the first symbol.
Symbols > First Symbol> Thickness Specifies the line thickness index (as defined in the LineThickness node of the current standard) of the first symbol.
Symbols > Second Symbol > Type Specifies the type of the second symbol (for example arrow, filled circle, etc.) that should be used for radius dimensions. If you choose the Automatic option, simple arrow will be used by default.
Symbols > Second Symbol > Color Specifies the color of the second symbol.
Symbols > Second Symbol > Thickness Specifies the line thickness index (as defined in the LineThickness node of the current standard) of the second symbol.
Symbols > Symbol Mode Specifies the symbol mode (for example, inside, outside, etc.).
Foreshortened > Is Foreshortened Indicates whether or not the radius dimension should be foreshortened.
Foreshortened > Value Position Specifies whether the foreshortened dimension value should be positioned on the long segment or on the short segment.
Foreshortened > Orientation Specifies whether the foreshortened dimension orientation should be parallel or convergent.
Foreshortened > Angle Specifies the foreshortened dimension angle.
Foreshortened > Ratio Specifies the foreshortened dimension ratio.
Foreshortened > Symbol Scale Specifies the scale that should be used for the foreshortened dimension symbol.
Foreshortened > Move End Point Indicates whether or not the foreshortened dimension end point can be moved.
Extension Line > Color Specifies the color of the radius dimension extension line.
Extension Line > Thickness Specifies the line thickness index (as defined in the LineThickness node of the current standard) of the radius dimension extension line.
Extension Line > Slant Angle Specifies the slant angle for the extension line. This angle is contained between 90 degrees and -90 degrees excluded, the default angle being 0 degree.
Extension Line > Left > Hide Indicates whether or not the left extension line should be hidden.
Extension Line > Left > Overrun Specifies the overrun for the left extension line.
Extension Line > Left > Blanking Specifies the blanking for the left extension line.
Extension Line > Right > Hide Indicates whether or not the right extension line should be hidden.
Extension Line > Right > Overrun Specifies the overrun for the right extension line.
Extension Line > Right > Blanking Specifies the blanking for the right extension line.
Extension Line > Funnel > Display Indicates whether or not the extension line should be displayed as a funnel.
Extension Line > Funnel > Height Specifies the funnel height.
Extension Line > Funnel > Width Specifies the funnel width.
Extension Line > Funnel > Angle Specifies the funnel angle.
Extension Line > Funnel > Mode Specifies the funnel mode (external or internal).
Extension Line > Funnel > Side Specifies whether the funnel should be applied on the left or bottom, on the right or top, or on both sides.
Associated Texts > Main Value > Prefix Specifies the prefix for the main value of the associated text.
Associated Texts > Main Value > Suffix Specifies the suffix for the main value of the associated text.
Associated Texts > Main Value > Before Specifies the text that should be displayed before the main value of the associated text.
Associated Texts > Main Value > After Specifies the text that should be displayed after the main value of the associated text.
Associated Texts > Main Value > Upper Specifies the text that should be displayed above the main value of the associated text.
Associated Texts > Main Value > Lower Specifies the text that should be displayed below the main value of the associated text.
Associated Texts > Dual Value > Before Specifies the text that should be displayed before the dual value of the associated text.
Associated Texts > Dual Value > After Specifies the text that should be displayed after the dual value of the associated text.
Associated Texts > Dual Value > Upper Specifies the text that should be displayed above the dual value of the associated text.
Associated Texts > Dual Value > Lower Specifies the text that should be displayed below the dual value of the associated text.
Framing > Framed Subpart Specifies whether the frame subpart should display the value, the value and tolerance, etc.
Framing > Framed Group Specifies whether the framed group should display the main value, the dual value, both values separately, etc.
Framing > Frame Specifies the type of frame that should be used for radius dimensions. Note that fixed-size frames are defined in the Frame node of the current standard. Accepted values: none, circle, fixed-size scored circle, fixed-size diamond, fixed-size square, rectangle, oblong, right flag, fixed-size triangle
Framing > Main Value Scoring Specifies the main value scoring.
Framing > Dual Value Scoring Specifies the dual value scoring.
Font > Name Specifies the name of the font that should be used for radius dimension texts. If no font name is specified, the system's default font will be used.
Font > Bold Indicates whether or not radius dimension texts should be displayed in bold.
Font > Italic Indicates whether or not radius dimension texts should be displayed in italic.
Font > Size Indicates the font size that should be used for radius dimension texts.
Font > Color Specifies the color that should be used to display radius dimension texts.
Font > Underline Indicates whether or not radius dimension texts should be underlined (in this case, overline cannot be applied).
Font > Strikethrough Indicates whether or not strikethrough should be used for radius dimension texts.
Font > Overline Indicates whether or not radius dimension texts should be overlined (in this case, underline cannot be applied).
Font > Ratio Specifies the character width.
Font > Spacing Specifies the spacing between characters.
Font > Apply Scale Indicates whether or not radius dimension texts should be scaled according to the view or the 2D reference component's scale.
Font > Blank Background Indicates whether or not the background should be blank.

Diameter Dimension Styles

Parameter Name Description
Value > Orientation Reference Specifies whether the screen, the view or the dimension line should be used as the reference for the diameter dimension value orientation.
Value > Angle Specifies the diameter dimension value orientation angle according to the chosen reference.
Value > Position Specifies the diameter dimension value position.
Value > Horizontal Offset Specifies the horizontal offset value for Diameter Dimension values:
  • If Value > OrientationReference is set to Screen, the horizontal direction is defined by the X axis of the screen.
  • If Value > OrientationReference is set to View, the horizontal direction is defined by the X axis of the view.
  • If Value > OrientationReference is set to Dimension Line, the horizontal direction is parallel to the dimension line.
Value > Vertical Offset Specifies the vertical offset value for Diameter Dimension values:
  • If Value > OrientationReference is set to Screen, the horizontal direction is defined by the Y axis of the screen.
  • If Value > OrientationReference is set to View, the horizontal direction is defined by the Y axis of the view.
  • If Value > OrientationReference is set to Dimension Line, the horizontal direction is normal to the dimension line.
Value > Display Mode Choose the display mode you want for the Diameter Dimension:
  • Show value: Displays the dimension, its leader and its frame.
  • Show box: Replaces the dimension and its frame by a rectangular box and displays its leader.
  • Hide value: Hides the dimension and its frame but displays its leader.
Driving Indicates whether or not diameter dimensions should be driving dimensions.
Dual Value Display Specifies whether there will be a dual value display for the diameter dimension, and, if any, what kind (for example fractional, side-by-side, etc.).
Value Display Format > Main Value > Name Specifies the name of the main value display format. Make sure that the display format specified here belongs to the list of Value Display styles allowed on dimensions, as defined in the General > AllowedNumericalFormats node of the Standards editor.
Value Display Format > Main Value > Displayed Factor Number Specifies the number of factors displayed for the main value, according to the number of factors available for the value display format used by this style.
Value Display Format > Main Value > Precision Mode Specifies whether the precision mode for the main value will be decimal or fractional.
Value Display Format > Main Value > Precision Specifies the precision for the main value.
Value Display Format > Dual Value > Name Specifies the name of the dual value display format, if any. Make sure that the display format specified here belongs to the list of Value Display styles allowed on dimensions, as defined in the General > AllowedNumericalFormats node of the Standards editor.
Value Display Format > Dual Value > Displayed Factor Number Specifies the number of factors displayed for the dual value (if any), according to the number of factors available for the value display format used by this style.
Value Display Format > Dual Value > Precision Mode Specifies whether the precision mode for the dual value (if any) will be decimal or fractional.
Value Display Format > Dual Value > Precision Specifies the precision for the dual value, if any.
Fake > Mode Indicates whether diameter dimensions will be fake dimensions, and, if yes, of what type (for example numerical or alphanumerical).
Fake > Main Value Specifies the fake main value for diameter dimensions.
Fake > Dual Value Specifies the fake dual value for diameter dimensions.
Tolerance > Main Value > Format Specifies the tolerance main value format for diameter dimensions.
Tolerance > Main Value > First Alphanumerical Value Specifies the first alphanumerical value for the tolerance main value.
Tolerance > Main Value > Second Alphanumerical Value Specifies the second alphanumerical value for the tolerance main value.
Tolerance > Main Value > Numerical Lower Specifies the lower numerical for the tolerance main value.
Tolerance > Main Value > Numerical Upper Specifies the upper numerical for the tolerance main value.
Tolerance > Dual Value > Format Specifies the tolerance dual value format for diameter dimensions.
Tolerance > Dual Value > First Alphanumerical Value Specifies the first alphanumerical value for the tolerance dual value.
Tolerance > Dual Value > Second Alphanumerical Value Specifies the second alphanumerical value for the tolerance dual value.
Tolerance > Dual Value > Numerical Lower Specifies the lower numerical for the tolerance dual value.
Tolerance > Dual Value > Numerical Upper Specifies the upper numerical for the tolerance dual value.
Dimension Line > Representation Specifies how the dimension line should be represented (for example regular, one-part leader, etc.)
Dimension Line > Leader LengthSpecifies the first part length at dimension creation. By default, the Leader Length value is 15mm.
Symbols > First Symbol> Type Specifies the type of the first symbol (for example arrow, filled circle, etc.) that should be used for diameter dimensions. If you choose the Automatic option, simple arrow will be used by default.
Symbols > First Symbol> Color Specifies the color of the first symbol.
Symbols > First Symbol> Thickness Specifies the line thickness index (as defined in the LineThickness node of the current standard) of the first symbol.
Symbols > Second Symbol > Type Specifies the type of the second symbol (for example arrow, filled circle, etc.) that should be used for diameter dimensions. If you choose the Automatic option, simple arrow will be used by default.
Symbols > Second Symbol > Color Specifies the color of the second symbol.
Symbols > Second Symbol > Thickness Specifies the line thickness index (as defined in the LineThickness node of the current standard) of the second symbol.
Symbols > Symbol Mode Specifies the symbol mode (for example inside, outside, etc.).
Extension Line > Color Specifies the color of the diameter dimension extension line.
Extension Line > Thickness Specifies the line thickness index (as defined in the LineThickness node of the current standard) of the diameter dimension extension line.
Extension Line > Slant Angle Specifies the slant angle for the extension line. This angle is contained between 90 degrees and -90 degrees excluded, the default angle being 0 degree.
Extension Line > Left > Hide Indicates whether or not the left extension line should be hidden.
Extension Line > Left > Overrun Specifies the overrun for the left extension line.
Extension Line > Left > Blanking Specifies the blanking for the left extension line.
Extension Line > Right > Hide Indicates whether or not the right extension line should be hidden.
Extension Line > Right > Overrun Specifies the overrun for the right extension line.
Extension Line > Right > Blanking Specifies the blanking for the right extension line.
Extension Line > Funnel > Display Indicates whether or not the extension line should be displayed as a funnel.
Extension Line > Funnel > Height Specifies the funnel height.
Extension Line > Funnel > Width Specifies the funnel width.
Extension Line > Funnel > Angle Specifies the funnel angle.
Extension Line > Funnel > Mode Specifies the funnel mode (external or internal).
Extension Line > Funnel > Side Specifies whether the funnel should be applied on the left or bottom, on the right or top, or on both sides.
Associated Texts > Main Value > Prefix Specifies the prefix for the main value of the associated text.
Associated Texts > Main Value > Suffix Specifies the suffix for the main value of the associated text.
Associated Texts > Main Value > Before Specifies the text that should be displayed before the main value of the associated text.
Associated Texts > Main Value > After Specifies the text that should be displayed after the main value of the associated text.
Associated Texts > Main Value > Upper Specifies the text that should be displayed above the main value of the associated text.
Associated Texts > Main Value > Lower Specifies the text that should be displayed below the main value of the associated text.
Associated Texts > Dual Value > Before Specifies the text that should be displayed before the dual value of the associated text.
Associated Texts > Dual Value > After Specifies the text that should be displayed after the dual value of the associated text.
Associated Texts > Dual Value > Upper Specifies the text that should be displayed above the dual value of the associated text.
Associated Texts > Dual Value > Lower Specifies the text that should be displayed below the dual value of the associated text.
Framing > Framed Subpart Specifies whether the frame subpart should display the value, the value and tolerance, etc.
Framing > Framed Group Specifies whether the framed group should display the main value, the dual value, both values separately, etc.
Framing > Frame Specifies the type of frame that should be used for diameter dimensions. Note that fixed-size frames are defined in the Frame node of the current standard. Accepted values: none, circle, fixed-size scored circle, fixed-size diamond, fixed-size square, rectangle, oblong, right flag, fixed-size triangle
Framing > Main Value Scoring Specifies the main value scoring.
Framing > Dual Value Scoring Specifies the dual value scoring.
Font > Name Specifies the name of the font that should be used for diameter dimension texts. If no font name is specified, the system's default font will be used.
Font > Bold Indicates whether or not diameter dimension texts should be displayed in bold.
Font > Italic Indicates whether or not diameter dimension texts should be displayed in italic.
Font > Size Indicates the font size that should be used for diameter dimension texts.
Font > Color Specifies the color that should be used to display diameter dimension texts.
Font > Underline Indicates whether or not diameter dimension texts should be underlined (in this case, overline cannot be applied).
Font > Strikethrough Indicates whether or not strikethrough should be used for diameter dimension texts.
Font > Overline Indicates whether or not diameter dimension texts should be overlined (in this case, underline cannot be applied).
Font > Ratio Specifies the character width.
Font > Spacing Specifies the spacing between characters.
Font > Apply Scale Indicates whether or not diameter dimension texts should be scaled according to the view or the 2D reference component's scale.
Font > Blank Background Indicates whether or not the background should be blank.
One Symbol Diameter Indicates whether or not diameter dimensions should be displayed as one-symbol dimensions (as opposed to two-symbols).

Chamfer Dimension Styles

Parameter Name Description
Value > Orientation Reference Specifies whether the screen, the view or the dimension line should be used as the reference for the chamfer dimension value orientation.
Value > Angle Specifies the chamfer dimension value orientation angle according to the chosen reference.
Value > Position Specifies the chamfer dimension value position.
Value > Horizontal Offset Specifies the horizontal offset value for Chamfer Dimension values:
  • If Value > OrientationReference is set to Screen, the horizontal direction is defined by the X axis of the screen.
  • If Value > OrientationReference is set to View, the horizontal direction is defined by the X axis of the view.
  • If Value > OrientationReference is set to Dimension Line, the horizontal direction is parallel to the dimension line.
Value > Vertical Offset Specifies the vertical offset value for Chamfer Dimension values:
  • If Value > OrientationReference is set to Screen, the horizontal direction is defined by the Y axis of the screen.
  • If Value > OrientationReference is set to View, the horizontal direction is defined by the Y axis of the view.
  • If Value > OrientationReference is set to Dimension Line, the horizontal direction is normal to the dimension line.
Value > Display Mode Choose the display mode you want for the Chamfer Dimension:
  • Show value: Displays the dimension, its leader and its frame.
  • Show box: Replaces the dimension and its frame by a rectangular box and displays its leader.
  • Hide value: Hides the dimension and its frame but displays its leader.
Driving Not available for chamfer dimensions.
Dual Value Display Specifies whether there will be a dual value display for the chamfer dimension, and, if any, what kind (for example fractional, side-by-side, etc.).
Value Display Format > Main Value > Name Specifies the name of the main value display format. Make sure that the display format specified here belongs to the list of Value Display styles allowed on dimensions, as defined in the General > AllowedNumericalFormats node of the Standards editor.
Value Display Format > Main Value > Displayed Factor Number Specifies the number of factors displayed for the main value, according to the number of factors available for the value display format used by this style.
Value Display Format > Main Value > Precision Mode Specifies whether the precision mode for the main value will be decimal or fractional.
Value Display Format > Main Value > Precision Specifies the precision for the main value.
Value Display Format > Dual Value > Name Specifies the name of the dual value display format, if any. Make sure that the display format specified here belongs to the list of Value Display styles allowed on dimensions, as defined in the General > AllowedNumericalFormats node of the Standards editor.
Value Display Format > Dual Value > Displayed Factor Number Specifies the number of factors displayed for the dual value (if any), according to the number of factors available for the value display format used by this style.
Value Display Format > Dual Value > Precision Mode Specifies whether the precision mode for the dual value (if any) will be decimal or fractional.
Value Display Format > Dual Value > Precision Specifies the precision for the dual value, if any.
Fake > Mode Indicates whether chamfer dimensions will be fake dimensions, and, if yes, of what type (for example numerical or alphanumerical).
Fake > Main Value Specifies the fake main value for chamfer dimensions.
Fake > Dual Value Specifies the fake dual value for chamfer dimensions.
Tolerance > Main Value > Format Specifies the tolerance main value format for chamfer dimensions.
Tolerance > Main Value > First Alphanumerical Value Specifies the first alphanumerical value for the tolerance main value.
Tolerance > Main Value > Second Alphanumerical Value Specifies the second alphanumerical value for the tolerance main value.
Tolerance > Main Value > Numerical Lower Specifies the lower numerical for the tolerance main value.
Tolerance > Main Value > Numerical Upper Specifies the upper numerical for the tolerance main value.
Tolerance > Dual Value > Format Specifies the tolerance dual value format for chamfer dimensions.
Tolerance > Dual Value > First Alphanumerical Value Specifies the first alphanumerical value for the tolerance dual value.
Tolerance > Dual Value > Second Alphanumerical Value Specifies the second alphanumerical value for the tolerance dual value.
Tolerance > Dual Value > Numerical Lower Specifies the lower numerical for the tolerance dual value.
Tolerance > Dual Value > Numerical Upper Specifies the upper numerical for the tolerance dual value.
Dimension Line > Representation Specifies how the dimension line should be represented (for example regular, one-part leader, etc.)
Dimension Line > Color Specifies the color that should be used to display dimension lines.
Dimension Line > Thickness Specifies the line thickness index (as defined in the LineThickness node of the current standard) that should be used to represent dimension lines.
Dimension Line > Second Part Reference In the case of Two parts or Leader two parts for the representation, specifies the Reference for positioning the second part of the dimension line.
Dimension Line > Second Part Angle In the case of Two parts or Leader two parts for the representation, specifies the angle for the second part of the dimension line in relation to its reference.
Dimension Line > Leader Angle Specifies the angle for the dimension line leader.
Dimension Line > Leader LengthSpecifies the first part length at dimension creation. By default, the Leader Length value is 15mm.
Symbols > First Symbol> Type Specifies the type of the first symbol (for example arrow, filled circle, etc.) that should be used for chamfer dimensions. If you choose the Automatic option, simple arrow will be used by default.
Symbols > First Symbol> Color Specifies the color of the first symbol.
Symbols > First Symbol> Thickness Specifies the line thickness index (as defined in the LineThickness node of the current standard) of the first symbol.
Symbols > Second Symbol > Type Specifies the type of the second symbol (for example arrow, filled circle, etc.) that should be used for chamfer dimensions. If you choose the Automatic option, simple arrow will be used by default.
Symbols > Second Symbol > Color Specifies the color of the second symbol.
Symbols > Second Symbol > Thickness Specifies the line thickness index (as defined in the LineThickness node of the current standard) of the second symbol.
Symbols > Symbol Mode Specifies the symbol mode (for example inside, outside, etc.).
Extension Line > Color Specifies the color of the chamfer dimension extension line.
Extension Line > Thickness Specifies the line thickness index (as defined in the LineThickness node of the current standard) of the chamfer dimension extension line.
Extension Line > Slant Angle Specifies the slant angle for the extension line. This angle is contained between 90 degrees and -90 degrees excluded, the default angle being 0 degree.
Extension Line > Left > Hide Indicates whether or not the left extension line should be hidden.
Extension Line > Left > Overrun Specifies the overrun for the left extension line.
Extension Line > Left > Blanking Specifies the blanking for the left extension line.
Extension Line > Right > Hide Indicates whether or not the right extension line should be hidden.
Extension Line > Right > Overrun Specifies the overrun for the right extension line.
Extension Line > Right > Blanking Specifies the blanking for the right extension line.
Extension Line > Funnel > Display Indicates whether or not the extension line should be displayed as a funnel.
Extension Line > Funnel > Height Specifies the funnel height.
Extension Line > Funnel > Width Specifies the funnel width.
Extension Line > Funnel > Angle Specifies the funnel angle.
Extension Line > Funnel > Mode Specifies the funnel mode (external or internal).
Extension Line > Funnel > Side Specifies whether the funnel should be applied on the left or bottom, on the right or top, or on both sides.
Associated Texts > Main Value > Prefix Specifies the prefix for the main value of the associated text.
Associated Texts > Main Value > Suffix Specifies the suffix for the main value of the associated text.
Associated Texts > Main Value > Before Specifies the text that should be displayed before the main value of the associated text.
Associated Texts > Main Value > After Specifies the text that should be displayed after the main value of the associated text.
Associated Texts > Main Value > Upper Specifies the text that should be displayed above the main value of the associated text.
Associated Texts > Main Value > Lower Specifies the text that should be displayed below the main value of the associated text.
Associated Texts > Dual Value > Before Specifies the text that should be displayed before the dual value of the associated text.
Associated Texts > Dual Value > After Specifies the text that should be displayed after the dual value of the associated text.
Associated Texts > Dual Value > Upper Specifies the text that should be displayed above the dual value of the associated text.
Associated Texts > Dual Value > Lower Specifies the text that should be displayed below the dual value of the associated text.
Framing > Framed Subpart Specifies whether the frame subpart should display the value, the value and tolerance, etc.
Framing > Framed Group Specifies whether the framed group should display the main value, the dual value, both values separately, etc.
Framing > Frame Specifies the type of frame that should be used for chamfer dimensions. Note that fixed-size frames are defined in the Frame node of the current standard. Accepted values: none, circle, fixed-size scored circle, fixed-size diamond, fixed-size square, rectangle, oblong, right flag, fixed-size triangle
Framing > Main Value Scoring Specifies the main value scoring.
Framing > Dual Value Scoring Specifies the dual value scoring.
Font > Name Specifies the name of the font that should be used for chamfer dimension texts. If no font name is specified, the system's default font will be used.
Font > Bold Indicates whether or not chamfer dimension texts should be displayed in bold.
Font > Italic Indicates whether or not chamfer dimension texts should be displayed in italic.
Font > Size Indicates the font size that should be used for chamfer dimension texts.
Font > Color Specifies the color that should be used to display chamfer dimension texts.
Font > Underline Indicates whether or not chamfer dimension texts should be underlined (in this case, overline cannot be applied).
Font > Strikethrough Indicates whether or not strikethrough should be used for chamfer dimension texts.
Font > Overline Indicates whether or not chamfer dimension texts should be overlined (in this case, underline cannot be applied).
Font > Ratio Specifies the character width.
Font > Spacing Specifies the spacing between characters.
Font > Apply Scale Indicates whether or not chamfer dimension texts should be scaled according to the view or the 2D reference component's scale.
Font > Blank Background Indicates whether or not the background should be blank.
Chamfer > Display Type Specifies whether chamfer dimensions should be displayed with one extension line or with two extension lines.
Chamfer > Value Format Specifies the value format for the chamfer dimension (for example length/length, angle/length, etc.)
Chamfer > Secondary Value Display Format > Main Value > Name Specifies the name of the secondary value display format for the main value.
Chamfer > Secondary Value Display Format > Main Value > Displayed Factor Number Specifies the number of factors displayed for the main value, according to the number of factors available for the value display format used by this style.
Chamfer > Secondary Value Display Format > Dual Value > Name Specifies the name of the secondary value display format for the dual value.
Chamfer > Secondary Value Display Format > Dual Value > Displayed Factor Number Specifies the number of factors displayed for the dual value (if any), according to the number of factors available for the value display format used by this style.

Coordinate Dimension Styles

Parameter Name Description
Orientation Reference Specifies whether the screen, the view or the dimension line should be used as the reference for the coordinate dimension orientation.
Angle Specifies the coordinate dimension orientation angle according to the chosen reference.
Anchor Point Specifies the coordinate dimension position in relation to the anchor point (for example, top left, middle left, etc.).
Display Choose the display mode you want for the Coordinate Dimension:
  • Show value: Displays the dimension, its leader and its frame.
  • Show box: Replaces the dimension and its frame by a rectangular box and displays its leader.
  • Hide value: Hides the dimension and its frame but displays its leader.
Font > Name Specifies the name of the font that should be used for coordinate dimension texts. If no font name is specified, the system's default font will be used.
Font > Bold Indicates whether or not coordinate dimension texts should be displayed in bold.
Font > Italic Indicates whether or not coordinate dimension texts should be displayed in italic.
Font > Size Indicates the font size that should be used for coordinate dimension texts.
Font > Apply Scale Indicates whether or not coordinate dimension texts should be scaled according to the view or the 2D reference component's scale.
Font > Underline Indicates whether or not coordinate dimension texts should be underlined (in this case, overline cannot be applied).
Font > Strikethrough Indicates whether or not strikethrough should be used for coordinate dimension texts.
Font > Overline Indicates whether or not coordinate dimension texts should be overlined (in this case, underline cannot be applied).
Font > Blank Background Indicates whether or not the background should be blank.
Graphic > Color Specifies the color that should be used to represent coordinate dimension texts frames and leaders.
Leader > Symbol Specifies the symbol (for example arrow, filled circle, etc.) that should be used for coordinate dimension leaders. If you choose the Automatic option, a default symbol will be used, depending on the standard type and on whether the leader is associated to an element or not:
  • If the leader is associated to an element:
    • Symmetric arrow (a.k.a. Unfilled arrow) for ANSI-ASME
    • Simple arrow for ISO/JIS
  • If the leader is not associated to an element:
    • Symmetric circle (a.k.a. Unfilled circle) for ANSI-ASME
    • Filled circle for ISO/JIS
Display Unit Indicates whether or not units for coordinate dimension texts should be displayed.