Dimension Value Formats

These parameters are located in the Value Formats node of the standard file.

This section deals with dimension value descriptions, which are user-defined formats to be applied to dimension values.

This page discusses:

Format Definition

To create new dimension value display format:

  1. In the Standard Definition dialog box, select the drafting category (available via Me > Preferences > Standards).
  2. Click Value Formats node.
  3. Then click Add Instance to add a new format instance.

Once defined, a format can be applied to dimensions just as any dimension attribute, using the Dimension Properties in the Object Properties panel.

Dimension Value Display Formats

The dimension value display style parameters drive the representation of a dimension value, and include parameters such as:

  • Multiplying factor

  • Separators for thousands

  • Position relatively to dimension line

  • Display of fractional values

  • Trailing zeros display

  • And so forth

Important: Once a given format is embedded in a given drawing, it cannot be modified or removed. Therefore, you need to create new format with another name to get the desired result.
Parameter Parameter NameValue Description
Value Format Name NDName (8 char string) User-defined name that will be used as the description identifier
Value Magnitude (type) NDType

[ 1 / 2 ]

1 = length (for length/distance/radius/diameter dimensions) 2 = Angle (angle dimensions)

Value Units


[ 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 ]

1 = mm 2 = inch

3 = radian

4 = degree

5 = grade

Unit used to display the dimension value

Global Multiplying Factor



The dimension measured value is multiplied by this factor prior to being displayed.

For example, to display a distance in kilometers with units set to mm (NDUnit=1), use:

NDGlobFact = 0.000001

Separator Characters for Decimal and Thousands Display of separator for Thousands


[ 1 / 2 ]

1 = No display of separator

2 = Display of separator

Decimal Separator


Thousands Separator


[0...18 ]

separator number as described in the Dimension Tolerance Formats

Display of Trailing ZerosNDFinZer

[ 1 / 2 ]

1 = No display of trailing zeros

2 = Display of trailing zeros (number of digits specified in the value precision) Note that these integer values are directly linked to those defined in NDNulOther. Please take it into account when defining your standard.

Fractional Rest Justification NDAlignFrac

Not yet implemented

Fractional Rest Display Mode NDTypFrac

[ 1 / 2 ]

1 = Side by side

2 = Super-imposed

Fractional Rest Height Ratio NDResScl


= Unit height / value height

( = B / A )

Fractional Rest Positioning Offsets (the horizontal offset also applies to decimal rests) NDRestX


This value is a ratio to the character height

Offset between Fractional Rest Numerator and Denominator NDOperY


This value is a ratio to the character height

Position of Last Term Unit NDSepDen

[ 1 / 2 ]

1 = Before fractional rest

2 = After fractional rest

Number of Terms in the Value NDFact

[ 1...3 ] This parameter is related to the Display option (available via the context menu, and selecting Properties > Value tab, under Format). See Value Properties.

Definition of Each of the Value Terms

A value can be made of up to three terms plus a rest. All of the following parameters, suffixed by the term number, apply to each of the possible 3 terms. The numbering of the terms goes from right to left, #1 being the right-most term.

Parameter Parameter NameValue Description
Display of Null Terms NDNulFac_1

[ 1 / 2 ]

1 = No display of zeros

2 = Display of zeros

Display of Leading Zeros in Last Factor NDNulFac_2

[ 1 / 2 ]

1 = No display of zeros

2 = Display of zeros




Display of Null Terms


[ 1 / 2 ]

1 = No display of zeros

2 = Display of zeros Note that these integer values are directly linked to those defined in NDFinZer. Please take it into account when defining your standard.

Term Multiplying Factor

NDFact_1 NDFact_2 NDFact_3

( real )

The term measured value is multiplied by this factor prior to being displayed (the global multiplying factor is also used). All 3 values must have increasing and distinct values.

Example: to display a value with a term in centimeters and a term in millimeters, with NDUnit=mm and NDGlobFact=1, set

NDFact_1 = 1 NDFact_2 = 10

Term Unit Suffix

NDSepar_1 NDSepar_2 NDSepar_3

(16 char string)

Term Unit Height Ratio

NDSepScl_1 NDSepScl_2 NDSepScl_3

(real) = Unit height / value height

( = B / A )

Term Vertical Positioning Offset (relatively to the left-most term)

NDValPos_1 NDValPos_2 NDValPos_3


Term Unit Vertical Positioning Offset (relatively to its term)

NDSepPos_1 NDSepPos_2 NDSepPos_3
