Design Project Properties Page

You can view information about a design project.

This page discusses:


To access this page:

  1. From the list of design projects, click the name of a project. See Design Projects.
  2. From the navigation pane, click Details > Properties tab.

This topic describes:

Field Name Description

Design Project.

Name The name of the design project.
Project Source The template used to create the design project.
Policy The policy that governs the lifecycle of the project.

The current owner of the project, which is the person who has primary responsibility for it.


The description of the project.

Project Status

The project's current lifecycle state.

Visibility A project's visibility can be Company or Members. Company visibility means that all users in the project owner's company can view the project by searching for it. Members visibility means that only people added as project members can view the project.
Creation Date

The date on which the project was created.

Company Name The name of the company that created the project.
Business Unit The business unit for the project.

The programs associated with the project.

Schedule From

Shows either Project Start Date (schedules calculated from when the project starts) or Project Finish Date (schedules calculated from when the project must be finished).

Default Constraint

The default constraint type for project tasks. If this is set to "As Soon As Possible" the constraint type for tasks will default to "As Soon As Possible." Otherwise, the default constraint for tasks will be "As Late As Possible."

Calendar A section that lists the available calendars for the project. Project scheduling can only take place on the Default calendar.

Name. The name of the calendar.

Default. Indicates whether a calendar is the default, which is used for scheduling.

Workweek. The working weekdays for the calendar.

Description. The description of the calendar.

To add a calendar, click . To remove a calendar, select it, and click .

Actions/Toolbar Commands

Action Description For More Information
Edit Edits the project. Editing Basic Information for a Project