Manage Dependencies View

When viewing dependencies from the Structured View, this view shows all dependencies for the selected task.

To access this page:

For a project, view the schedule for a task. See Working the Structured View. Select a task and click the Add/Remove Dependency icon. You see a split view with the list of all dependencies on the top.

This topic describes:

This page discusses:




The name of the task with a dependency.


The task Id
ProjectThe project for the task.

Predecessor Type

The dependency type:

  • Finish-To-Start. The task cannot start until this one finishes. This is the default task dependency.
  • Start-To-Finish. The task cannot finish until this task starts.
  • Finish-To-Finish. The task cannot finish until this task finishes.
  • Start-To-Start. The task cannot start until this task starts.

Slack Time

The delay or head start between tasks. It is the number of days or hours the task should start, before or after the date determined by the dependency type.

Actions/Toolbar Commands

ActionDescriptionFor More Information

Update Selected

Updates dependency information for the selected task.Allows you to update the Predecessor Type and Slack Time.