In the navigation pane on a project, click Schedule >
Structured View.
When the page first opens, it shows all top-level tasks for the project or task. You can
expand the list to show a specific level of subtasks by clicking the "+" in
the tree listing. Expanding "All" or on levels does not include subprojects.
To expand a subproject, click its "+" icon. On a summary task, you can
right-click and select "Expand - All" to display all child tasks. Click a
task name to open it in a new tab with the task as the top node in the
structure; the left pane displays the parent structure of the task to show
its context. You can switch the left panel between the structure view and
the category to display commands.
Clicking the right mouse button on a task displays possible actions that you
can take on that task.
For information about task ID sequencing, see Task ID. For
information about critical tasks and critical paths, see About the Task Schedule.
Depending on the filter and view selected in the lists above the toolbar,
this page lists these details for each task:
Name. The name of the task. Critical tasks (those if
delayed affect the project finish date) display in red. Summary tasks
display in bold. You can hover over the name to see its description. The
Name field is editable across all rows for projects, concept projects, and
Type. For a project, the type is Project Space. The
type for a top-level node can also be Project Concept or Project Template. You could also see Task,
Phase, Gate, or Milestone as the type. The type is
Task for all tasks and subtasks. Your installation may have additional task
The following columns are shown only in the context of "Design Project" or "Design Project
Template" types:
Id. An integer that represents the task for
identifying dependencies. Unlike the task number, the ID does not represent
the task's level in the hierarchy. Because it is an integer, the ID is a
more concise way to identify the tasks.
Critical Task. Indicates whether a task is
Predecessor. Lists any dependencies defined for the
task. Shows only in Task View. The dependencies are abbreviated using this
Task ID: [Dependency Type] [Number of Slack Days, if any]
Multiple dependencies display with a comma separator.
Successor. All successors tasks from the same and
different projects. If the project is scheduled from the Finish Date,
successors drive predecessors. Available only in the Planning view.
Deliverables. The deliverables column shows the
deliverables/documents, bookmark URLs, bookmark folders, and controlled
bookmarks attached to a task. The number represents the total number of
deliverables attached. Click the number to see the entire deliverables list
in the Deliverables PowerView. A zero (0) indicates that there are no
deliverables. In addition, a maximum of three deliverable icons can display in descending
order of their modified date. (The last modified document is displayed
first.) Click an icon to download its document. (If a document has multiple
files, a ZIP file contains the individual files.) The
icon indicates a bookmark URL. Click the icon to access the URL location.
icon indicates that a higher revision of a document exists.
You need to have an Author or Leader role in the Collaborative Space to create documents under a project, task, or
Actions. Available in the "Passive Tasks" filter, "Task Schedule
View," and "Planning View." In the "Task Schedule View," when you select the
"Passive Tasks" filter, the "Status" column is replaced by the "Actions"
column. Actions are:
Sync. You can sync attributes from the
passive project to its parent if you have modify access on the
parent object. Hover over this icon to see whether a tooltip states
whether the estimated dates are out of sync.
- The attributes "Estimated Start Date," "Estimated End Date,"
"Actual Start Date," "Actual End Date," and "Percent
Complete" will be synced from the passive project to the
parent task. Estimated and actual durations are also synced
if the passive project and parent have the same calendar.
Otherwise, the duration may vary based on the calendar.
- To maintain the dates, constraints are applied on parent
tasks. Existing constraint types and dates of the parent
task will be overwritten. For a forward scheduled project,
the "Start No Earlier Than" constraint type and the
estimated start date of the passive project are applied as
the "Constraint Date." For a reverse scheduled project, the
"Finish No Later Than" constraint type and the estimated
finish date of the passive project are applied as the
"Constraint Date."
- If the parent task is in the "Completed" state, the sync
operation is not allowed.
- If the parent task has dependencies or a different calendar
connected to it, even after a sync there may be differences
in the attribute values and therefore the sync icon is
- If all attributes involved in syncing have the same values,
a check mark
displays in the "Actions" column. This indicates that
attributes are in sync.
Switch to Active. Switches a passive task to
Remove. Removes the passive project.
Status. The status flags indicate whether the project
or task is behind schedule. The exact number of days for a status to be
yellow or red is configurable and may be different for your system.
Status is as follows:
- None: the project or task is not complete but there are more than 5 days
remaining before the estimated finish date.
- Green: the project or task is complete.
- Yellow: the project or task is not complete and there are less than 5
days remaining before the estimated finish date.
- Red: the project or task is not complete and the current date is after
the project/task's estimated finish date.
State. A task can be in one of the following states.
- Draft. The task is new and an assignee specified. When a Project Lead is
ready for work to begin on a task, the Lead promotes it to To Do.
- To Do. The system notifies assignees.
- In Work. The assignees have begun work on the task. The system automatically
promotes a task to In Work when the % Complete is changed from 0% to any percentage less than
- In Approval. Project members are reviewing and approving the task and
its deliverables. When 100% is entered for % Complete, the system
automatically promotes the task to In Approval. Typically, an assignee
creates a route to have route members review the task.
- Completed. The task is completed. The system automatically promotes a task to Completed
when an assignee or Project Lead enters an Actual Finish Date. If a task
in a Design Project is associated with a DHF Element, the check trigger
blocks promotion to the Completed state if the task does not have a
deliverable attached. You cannot demote a Completed task or phase when
the "Prevent demotion of completed task" trigger is activated.
Not editable for a summary task. You can promote a summary task on the
Lifecycle page, if all its requirements are fulfilled.
A parent task cannot be promoted from "In Work" to "In Approval" until all
subtasks of the parent are in the "In Approval" state.
% Complete. The percentage of work that has been done
for the task, as estimated by the task assignee. Shown only in the Task and
Effort views. Not editable for a summary task. If "Needs Approval" is set to
"No" in a summary task's properties, and all its leaf tasks are promoted to
the "Completed" state, the summary state is also promoted to "Completed." If
"Needs Approval" is "Yes" for a summary task and all its leaf tasks are
"Completed," the summary task goes to the "In Approval" state.
Duration / Start Date / End Date. The dates on which
you expect the task to start and end. The duration is the number of days (d)
or hours (h) between the start and end dates. You cannot edit the estimated
duration for a summary task.
If you change the project duration from
"Days" to "Hours" in the project's preferences, the hours display only
in the Project row for the Estimated Duration and not for all tasks.
Duration / Start Date / End Date. The actual start
date is the date the task was promoted to In Work. When a task's % Complete
value is set to anything above 0%, the task is automatically promoted to In
Work. The actual start and end dates are not editable for a summary task.
The task assignee or Project Lead can enter an Actual End Date for the task
after reviewers approve it. When you enter an end date, the system promotes
the task to Completed. If you manually promote the task to Completed, the
system automatically enters the current date as the Actual End Date. In
addition, a route can be created to get approval from reviewers and then the
task promoted when the route finishes.
If you select a past date (earlier than the current date) as the actual
finish date, the duration of the task is determined in this way: If the
actual finish date is after the estimated finish date or between the
estimated start and finish dates, the estimated start date is taken as the
actual start date and the duration of the task is calculated accordingly.
Otherwise, the actual finish date is considered as the actual start date and
the task duration is set to one day.
When working the schedule of tasks, if all tasks in the project/summary task are in the
Completed state, the project/summary task is automatically in the Review
state. The actual end date is set with the date when the tasks completed.
The Actual Duration is the number of days between the actual start and end
dates. It is a whole number and its default unit is days. The actual
duration for a gate or milestone is always zero.
Duration Estimate. The duration estimate for the task,
which is expressed in days or hours.
Constraint Type. The type of constraint for this task,
which specifies when the task is expected to complete within the project.
Shown only in the Schedule Planning View.
For non-summary tasks, values can be "As Late as Possible," "As
Soon as Possible," "Start No Earlier Than," "Finish No Earlier Than," "Start
No Later Than," "Finish No Later Than," "Must Finish On," or "Must Start
For summary tasks, values depend on whether the project schedule
is from the start date or finish date.
For example, for forward scheduling a project, the value can be "As Soon as
Possible," "Finish No Later Than," or "Start No Earlier Than." For backward
scheduling a project, the value can be "As Late as Possible," "Finish No
Later Than," or "Start No Earlier Than."
For a leaf task, which becomes a summary task after adding a task under it,
the Constraint Type changes according to project scheduling. For example, if
the project is scheduled from the start date, the Constraint Type becomes
"As Soon As Possible." If the project is scheduled from its finish date, the
Constraint Type becomes "As Late As Possible."
Constraint Date. Constraint Types other than "As Soon as Possible" or
"As Late as Possible" have a constraint date. Shown only in the Schedule
Planning View. In the Planning View, the value for the "Task Constraint
Date" displays under this column for each object.
Changing the
constraint date for the project shifts the dates of the project forward
or behind by those days. The dates also move for all children tasks,
gates, and milestones. Dates do not move for subprojects and their
tasks. The number of days the project is moved is equivalent to the
difference between the newly selected date and the existing project
constraint date. If the newly selected date is before the existing
constraint date, the project is moved backwards.
Float / Total / Free. Total float is the amount of
time permissible to delay the task without delaying the project. Total Float
= LS (Late Start) – ES (Early Start). Its calculation is LF (Late Finish) –
EF (Early Finish).
Free float is the amount of time permissible to delay the task without
delaying the early start date of a successor task or violating a schedule
constraint. Free Float = Lowest ES (Early Start) of successors – EF (Early
Finish) of the task.
Float displays only in Planning View.
Level. The task's order in the hierarchy. Integers
represent top-level tasks. Second-level tasks have one decimal, third level
tasks have two decimals, and so on.
Description. The description of the task.
To switch views, select a view
Allocation View. This view shows the
percentage allocation to a task. In this view you can:
- View the progress for every task. A progress bar shows the completed percentage.
- View the total allocation. It shows the sum of the allocations of all the assigned members
of the project.
See all project members in columns and work with member assignments. If a member is
assigned to a task within the schedule, a gray bar displays,
indicating the person's assignment in a percentage. A Project
Lead can assign/allocate, unassign, or provide a percent
allocation to a member on a task. Once a task has been assigned,
a gray cross (X) displays on a gray background. This enables the
member to be unassigned from a task. You can move the mouse over
a cell to see a percentage indicator that shows a range of
values from 10, 20…100. If you select one of the values, that
member is assigned to a task with its percentage allocation
equal to that number.
Assignment View. This view enables a Project Lead to quickly assign
project tasks to project members and non-members. It shows the members that
are directly connected to a project. If a user group is added to a project,
the members of that user group are not listed separately. In this view you
- View the progress bar for a task.
- Assign project members and non-members as task assignees. If you move the cursor over one of
the cells of an unassigned task, the cell displays in green and the text
"+ Assign" displays. To assign the selected task to the person, click in
the green area.
- Unassign task assignees by moving the cursor over one of the cells of an assigned task. The
cell is highlighted in red and the text "- Unassign" is shown. To
unassign the selected task to the person, click in the red area.
- Perform up to 100% allocation.
- Mass update task assignments to project members.
As the assignee/owner of the task or “Leader” of the project, a person can assign a task
to another person.
Effort View. Shows the effort, in hours or days, for
each task in the project along with weekly details.
The values shown in the Total column depend on the "Status" filter:
- "All" displays the total (Approved + Submitted + Rejected) against the
- "Approved" displays the total of all approved efforts against the task.
- "Submitted" displays the total of all submitted efforts against the
- "Rejected" displays the total of all rejected efforts against the task.
The Remain column calculates the remaining effort planned for the task.
Following are the algorithms for calculating the remaining effort:
- The initial calculation of the remain effort for an assignee = plan
effort for an assignee.
- The subsequent calculation of remain effort for an assignee =
previous remain effort for an assignee - assignee submitted/approved
- Total remain effort = sum of all assignees' remain efforts.
Forecast View. Displays a "Forecast" section at the
end of the table that includes columns for the forecast duration, forecast
start date, and forecast end date. The section heading displays the date and
time of the last calculated forecast. Forecast dates are calculated based on
the current progress of tasks. To calculate the forecast, click
on the toolbar.
Planning View. In addition to allowing you to view and perform
actions on basic schedule information, this view also provides task
constraint information. This view also displays "Total Float," "Free Float,"
and overall "Critical Task" information.
Task Schedule View. Displays estimated and actual
schedule information for the selected filter. Allows you to perform all the
actions described below.
All Tasks. Displays all scheduled tasks.
Members Task Assignments. Displays the tasks based on
the person to which it is assigned. Subtasks are not shown in this view.
Passive Tasks. Displays all passive projects and their tasks under
the root project. The rows showing passive projects are read-only. Actions
from the toolbar are not available for a passive project. However, the
Actions column allows you to sync, switch to active, or remove a passive
Tasks. Displays all the tasks.
Right-click a task, milestone, gate, or subproject to quickly access these
For a Task and Milestone:
Properties. Opens the Properties page for the task or
milestone in a new window. See Task Properties Page.
Lifecycle. Opens the Lifecycle page for the task or
Assign User. Assigns members to the selected task
or milestone.
Create Task. Adds a task or milestone with an
option to create it above or below the active task or milestone. See Creating a Task from Scratch.
Add Project Above. Inserts a subproject above the
selected task or milestone as a sibling. See Inserting Projects as Tasks.
Add Sub Project. Adds a child subproject to the
selected task. Not available for milestones. See Inserting Projects as Tasks.
Delete Selected. Deletes selected tasks and milestones. Click
OK to confirm. This option is only for tasks and
milestones, not projects, and tasks/milestones must be in the Draft state.
You cannot view these tasks/milestones using the Schedule Deleted Tasks
filter. To delete a task/milestone from a schedule, you must be a Project
Lead, owner, or task owner. Task assignees cannot delete their top-level
task but can delete subtasks that they create.
Add to Collection. Adds the task or milestone to the
clipboard or to collections.
Expand All. Expands the task/milestones to display all
child objects.
For a Gate:
Create Task. Adds a task with an
option to create it above or below the active task. See Creating a Task from Scratch.
Create New Checklist. Creates a new
checklist. See Creating a Checklist.
Copy From Checklist. Copies from an
existing checklist you can search for.
Delete Selected. Deletes the selected gate.
Add to Collection. Adds the gate to the clipboard or
to collections.
Expand All. Expands the gate to display all child
For a Subproject:
Properties. Opens the Properties page for the
subproject in a new window. See Project Properties Page.
Lifecycle. Opens the Lifecycle page for the
Remove Project. Removes the selected subproject from
the structure.
Add to Collection. Adds the subproject to the
clipboard or to collections.
Expand All. Expands the subproject to display all
child objects.
Select an action from the toolbar:
Create Task. Creates a task in the content of the
selected project or task. During creation, you specify whether the new task
is inserted above or below. See Creating a Task from Scratch.
When the task is created, its default values are as follows:
Default Value
person creating the task
Constraint Type
As Soon As
Estimated Duration
1 day
Estimated Start Date
estimated start date of its parent
Estimated End Date
next working date after estimated start
Actual Duration
Actual Start Date
Actual End Date
valid ID
Task Requirement
Add/Copy has these actions:
- Add Project Above. Inserts a subproject
above the selected task/project as a sibling.
Inserting Projects as Tasks.
- Add Sub Project. Adds a child sub
project to the selected task/project. See
Inserting Projects as Tasks.
- Add Passive Project. Connects a passive project
to the selected task. You cannot connect a passive project under a
milestone or gate. You cannot connect a passive project to an experiment
or project baseline.
- Copy From Project. Displays a list of projects from which you can
copy entire projects or expand projects and select the tasks and sub
projects you want to copy. You first see a panel on which you click
see the list of projects. If you select a project to copy into a project
template, all its tasks are copied. To respond to questions, click
next to Questions to see a list of questions to
respond to. Before committing to copy the projects and tasks, you can
preview the results. For working with the list of projects that you can
copy, see Creating Tasks by Copying from Another Project.
To copy the project schedule by keeping the start and end dates of the
source tasks, click Use Estimated Dates from
Source. Otherwise, a task’s start and end dates are
modified based on the constraint date of the target project.Note:
- While copying gates and milestones, to maintain the dates,
the rigid constraint "Must Finish On" is applied.
- If you select the option "Use Estimated Dates from Source," and if the source tasks
have rigid constraints, the tasks are copied with rigid
- If you select "Use Estimated Dates from Source," the copied task has a "Finish No
Earlier Than" constraint with a constraint date as the
estimated end date of the source task when the target
project is forward scheduled. The copied task has the
"Finish No Later Than" constraint with the constraint date
as the estimated end date of the source task when the target
project is backward scheduled.
- Copy From File. Imports the schedule from an ASCII file. Click
Use Start and End Dates as Entered to keep
the start and end dates from the import file. For more information, see
Copying a Project from a File. Click Execute in Background to
run the copy as a background job.
- If you select "Copy from Project" or "Copy From File," you
must respond to the message advising you to click the rollup
to see the added project. After you click the rollup
icon, the page reflects the changes unless an error message
is displayed and the rollup is not performed.
Edit. Select from these options:
- Copy. Copies the selected tasks for a
paste action.
- Cut. Marks the selected tasks for removal from the current location
and keeps it in memory (for use with one of the Paste commands). You can
cut tasks in the Draft, To Do. or In Work state, and in multiple rows at
a time.
- Paste Above. Insert rows cut or copied above the selected row as
child objects to the selected row's parent object. Pasted rows show in
green if you cut the row or copied it from a different parent object.
The rows show orange if the pasted rows were cut (not copied) from a
different location in the list of that parent object. Orange indicates a
resequencing of rows.
- Paste As Child. Inserts rows cut or
copied as children of the selected row. If you need to define an order for
child rows, use
Paste Above
- Undo. Reverts changes to existing values
on the selected row; click
OK to confirm.
Assign User opens 6WTags to search and assign people to the selected task.
A person can assign a task to another person if he is the assignee/owner
of that task or if he is the "Leader" of that project.
Deliverables Report. Opens an online report
of task deliverables. See
Deliverables Report.
Add/Remove Dependency. Opens the views for managing
dependencies. See Manage Dependencies View, Internal Dependencies View, and External Dependencies View. For information about dependencies, see About Task Dependencies.
Sync DHF Contents. Manually
syncs task deliverables to respective bookmarks.
the selected tasks or projects one level to the left.
the selected tasks or projects one level to the right.
Moves a single
selected task or project one level up. You can move a task up/down only
within its parent object.
Moves a
single selected task or project one level down. You can move a task up/down
only within its parent object.
The scheduling structure gets
collapsed when doing indentation or moving up or down for first-level
summary tasks.
Link Tasks links the selected tasks.
tasks are linked with each other with a default dependency, in a sequence.
The new dependencies are added to the selected tasks in the
Dependency column. If a task already has
dependencies on it, those are kept, and the new dependency is added.
Delete Selected. Deletes the selected tasks;
click OK to confirm. This option is only for tasks,
not projects, and tasks must be in the Draft or To Do state. You cannot view
these tasks using the Schedule Deleted Tasks filter. When you delete a task,
the connected Opportunity is deleted. A connected risk gets disconnected if
it has other affected items with it; otherwise, it is deleted. To delete a
task from a schedule, you must be a Project Lead, owner, or task owner. Task
assignees cannot delete their top-level task but can delete subtasks that
they create.
When a child task is deleted and it is the last remaining child of a
summary task, that summary task becomes a child task and the duration of
that newly created child task has the duration of the deleted task.
Promote Ready Tasks. Available only if the project is in the "To
Do" (Assign) or "In Work" (Active) state. This command promotes tasks and phases
that are in the "Draft" (Create) state to the "To Do" (Assign) state if their
predecessor is in the "In Work" state and the dependency type is SS or SF. If
the predecessor is in the "Completed" state and the dependency type is FF or FS,
the tasks and phases are promoted to the "To Do" (Assign) state.Note:
command does not promote tasks and phases from a subproject to the "To Do"
(Assign) state.
Enable/Disable Edit. See the step below about editing.
Expand All. Expands the structure to
display all child objects. sub-projects do expand.
Expand n
levels. Expands the structure the number of levels you
specify. You can expand sub-projects.
Add to
clipboard. Adds the selected objects to the clipboard or to
You can use
Tools >
to export
the data displayed on the page to a file format specified in Preferences
> Export Data Format.