Adding Members to a Project

The project Owner and any member with Leader access can add members to a project. A Leader in the same collaborative space as the project can also add members to that project.

When you add a person to a project the person not only gets access to the project but also to the tasks as well.

Persons can access a project through the collaborative space in which the project was created. For example, a person given the Reader role in a collaborative space automatically is given a Reader role to any projects created in that collaborative space.

In addition to the collaborative space, member access can be explicitly assigned on the individual project level. For projects whose visibility is set to "Members," a person must be a Reader to view project information (although nonmembers can still be assigned tasks within the project). Even for projects with company visibility, the only way for users to have edit access to a project is for them to be added as members and assigned an access level that allows editing (or they can be given Leader access in the collaborative space that the project was created in). Even for projects with company visibility, a non-member must search for the project to see it. Members see the project listed on their Projects list page, making it easier to access. See Editing Member Access for more information on visibility and security.

When a person is added as a project member, the person's default access is either Leader or Reader, based on the following rules:


  • if the person is from the same collaborative space as the primary Owner, and has the Leader role in that collaborative space, the person's access will be non-editable.
  • if the person is from a collaborative space different from that of the primary Owner, and that collaborative space is added as Security Context with Leader access, the person's access is non-editable, while the Security Context access remains as Leader.


  • if the person is from the same collaborative space as the primary Owner, and has other than the Leader role in that collaborative space.
  • if the person is from a collaborative space different from that of the primary Owner.
  • if the person is from a collaborative space different from that of the primary Owner, and that collaborative space is added as Security Context with Reader access.
  • if the person is from an organization different from that of the primary Owner.

When a member is added to a project, where an experiment has already been created from that project, the newly added member is not automatically added to the experiment. If this is required, then you can create a new experiment from the project after adding the new member.

Before you begin: View the member list for the project. See Project Members Page.
  1. Click Share With Members.

    The Search page displays.

  2. Search for and select one or more persons.
    The persons are added to the page as members.
  3. Click Enable Edit and change the Access level for each person.

    • Reader. Can view all project information but cannot edit it.
    • Leader. Can view and edit all project information. Has the same accesses as project owner except cannot delete the project or reassign ownership.

    Owner access cannot be assigned through the Member page. To reassign ownership, the current owner must click Edit from the Basic Information page. See Editing Basic Information for a Project.

  4. Click OK.