Owner | Name of the owner of the return |
Originator | Name of the person who created the return |
Received Date | Date when the product was received |
Reported Against Item
Name of the reported item to be returned. |
RMA Number | RMA number of the reported item |
Not Returned Rationale | Reason why product is not returned |
Quantity | Quantity of product returned |
Unit of Measure | Unit of measure of the product quantity |
Received Product Serial Number | Serial number of the reported item |
Shipping Carrier | Shipping carrier by which product is returned |
Receiver Name | Name of the person who received the reported item |
Received Date | Date on which the product was received |
Received Product Condition | Condition of the returned product |
Disposition | Action taken after model is returned. Possible values are Return Not Received, Returned But Not Evaluated, and Return Evaluated. |
Not Evaluated Justification | Reason why returned the reported item was not investigated or
evaluated |
Custom Attributes |
Custom attributes that are connected with the type subtype of the
CPR. |