Column Name | Description |
Name | Name of the product return. It is prefixed with CPTRT-. Click to view the details of the return. For more information, see Complaint Product Return Properties. |
State | State of the return. Possible states are In Process and Complete. |
Reported Against Item | Name of the reported item to be returned. Click to view the details of the item. |
Product Returned | Status of the return |
Quantity | Quantity of product returned |
Unit of Measure | Unit of measure of the product quantity |
Serial Number | Serial number of the reported item |
RMA Number | Serial number of the reported item |
Shipping Carrier | Shipping carrier by which product is returned. Possible values are FedEx, UPS, USPS, and Other. |
Receiver Name | Serial number of the reported item |
Receiver Date | Serial number of the reported item |
Actions and Toolbar Commands
Action | Description | For More Information |
Creates a product return | Creating a Return | |
Completes a product return | -- | |
Deletes a product return. Click
OK to confirm.
You can delete a return only when it is in In Process
-- | |
Edit All | Modifies the details of a product return | Modifying Return Properties |