About Regulatory Calendars

Regulatory calendars let you include the regulatory authority milestones as part of your submission schedule. You can define regulatory milestones in a regulatory calendar template, and then add them to submission schedules. The regulatory authority defines these milestones in regulatory guidelines for specific regulatory contexts.

The submission schedule includes all the tasks and milestones required by your company to prepare and deliver a submission dossier. The submission project then enters the regulatory approval phase where the regulatory authority controls the schedule. You can include a regulatory authority phase in the submission schedule to track the authority's actions.

The schedule for a restricted authorization submission typically has a limited regulatory authority evaluation and does not require you to add a regulatory calendar to the schedule. Market Registration does not prevent you from adding a regulatory calendar to your schedule, however.

Note: You must create tasks that are specific to Market Registration, such as Interactive Reviews, Review Questions, or Regulatory Milestones, in the appropriate places in the app. You cannot create a project task, such as a Task, Phase, Gate, or Milestone, then change it to a Market Registration type task.

This page discusses:

See Also
Regulatory Guidelines List