Indication Properties

The Properties page lists the details about the indication, such as target population, therapeutic use, and underlying disease.

Required access roles: Product Manager or Regulatory User

Important: This app stores personal data in some settings. To follow good personal data management practices, Business Administrators might need to edit these settings to remove personal data, such as names, email addresses, and phone numbers.

See Also
Indications Page
Editing Properties for Indications
Opening an Indication
Field Name Description
TypeType of object: Indication.
Name The automatically-generated name of the indication.
RevisionThe current revision level of the indication.
TitleThe user-friendly display name of the indication.
DescriptionThe detailed information about the indication.
OwnerThe user who owns the indication, usually the creator.
GenderThe gender to which the indication applies:
  • Male
  • Female
  • All
IndicationThe intended use of the product under investigation in a clinical trial or to be authorized by the regulatory authority.
Target AgeThe intended age of the population for this product.
Target PopulationInformation about the intended population for this product.
Therapeutic UseDescriptive information about the therapeutic use of the product.
Underlying DiseaseThe disease this product is intended to treat.
Reason for Change

Does not appear for indications associated with submission master records or products.

Reason that the indication for a submission was updated when the submission project is no longer in the Preliminary state, but is not in the Completed, Archived, or Cancelled states.

Actions/Toolbar Commands

Action NameDescription
Enable Edit

Toggles the page into edit mode. You need to be in edit mode to change indication properties. When an indication is accessed from a submission master record, it cannot be edited.

Required access roles:

  • In the context of a submission project: Submission project owner or Regulatory Lead
  • In the context of a product: Product Manager or Regulatory Administrator

Disable EditToggles the page into view mode.