Opening an Indication

You can view the indications for a submission project that define the symptoms or circumstances that the product being submitted for market authorization is designed to test or treat.

Required access roles: Product Manager or Regulatory User

See Also
Indications Page
Editing Properties for Indications
  1. Open the submission project (see Opening a Submission), submission master record (see Opening a Submission Master Record) or product (see Opening the Regulatory and Additional Details Categories for a Product) associated with the indication.
  2. In the navigation pane, select Indications.
  3. Click the name of the indication.

    You can use the categories in the navigation pane to access information related to the indication.

    Category NamePage TabsDescriptionFor More Information
    Indication NamePropertiesLists the properties of the indication.Indication Properties
    LifecycleShows the lifecycle of the indication.Indication Lifecycle
    MedDRA Classification-Lists the MedDRA terms associated with the indication.MedDRA Classification Detail View