Opening a Submission Master Record

You can access all the information related to a submission master record.

Required access roles: Regulatory Administrator, Regulatory Lead, Regulatory User, or submission master record owner

Before you begin: Market Registration should be the active app.
See Also
Submission Master Record and Regulatory Activity Categories
  1. Click Home .
  2. In the navigation pane, click Submission Master Records.
  3. Click the name of the required submission master record. You can use the categories in the navigation pane to access information related to the submission master record.

    Category NamePage TabsDescriptionFor More Information
    AuthorizationsMarket AuthorizationsLists market authorizations associated with any submission projects managed by this submission master record.Market Authorizations List
    SubmissionsLists the submissions managed by this submission master record.Submissions Page
    Regulatory ContextsLists regulatory contexts grouped by the submissions managed by this submission master record.Regulatory Contexts List
    CountriesLists countries related to any of the submissions managed by this submission master record.Countries List
    ProductsLists products associated with the approved submissions managed by this submission master record.Products List for a Submission
    ClassificationsLists the ATC and variation classifications associated with all submissions managed by the submission master record.Classifications for Market Registration
    IndicationsLists all the indications for the product managed by the submission master record.Indications Page
    CorrespondencesLists all correspondence related to this submission master record.Correspondence List
    PropertiesPropertiesLists the details about the submission master record.Submission Master Record Properties
    HistoryLists an audit trail for the submission master record.3DEXPERIENCE Basics: Viewing History for Content
    Folders-Lists the folder structure that should contain common content for all the submissions, Initial Submission and other regulatory activities, so that a consolidated dossier can be managed.

    All submission projects managed by this submission master record include this same folder structure.

    This folder structure allows centralized dossier contents to be managed.

    Project Management User's Guide : Listing Folder Content
    Sharing-Lists people who have access to the submission master record.3DEXPERIENCE Basics: Sharing Page