Viewing History for Content

You can view the history of events for many items. You can filter the list of events based on action type, text in any column, or revisions/versions.

Anyone who can access the Properties page for an item can view history for the item.

Before you begin: Open the required content.
See Also
Page Toolbar Icons
  1. In the navigation pane, click History.

    Column Name Description
    Date The date and time of the action.
    User The user name of the person who initiated the action.
    Action The type of activity performed on the item, such as create, modify, connect, and so on.
    State The state the item was in when the action occurred.
    Description Details about the specific items involved in the action. For example, if the action is change owner, the details list the previous and new owners. If the action is connect, the details list the items that were connected.
    Note: Internationalization of content in the Description column is not supported.

  2. To filter the list of history events based on the action type:

    1. Click next to the Action Type box.

      The Select Action Types page opens, listing all action types in the history list.

    2. Clear the check box for actions you want to remove from the list.
    3. Click Done.
  3. To filter the list of history events by any text in all columns except Action Types:
    1. Enter the text to filter on in the box to the left of the Filter button. Make sure you include the wildcard * at the beginning and end of the text.

      For example, to filter the list so it shows only events performed by the user "Joe", enter *Joe* in the box and click Filter. To see only the events the took place in July, enter *July* or *Jul* and click Filter.

    2. After specifying your filter criteria, click Filter.

      The History page lists only the events that meet your filter criteria.