Opening the Regulatory and Additional Details Categories for a Product

You can access the Market Registration information for a product.

Required access roles: ?

Before you begin: Market Registration can be the active app.
  1. Click Home .
  2. In the navigation pane, selectProducts.
  3. View the Products page tab.
  4. Click the name of the Market Registration product.
  5. In the navigation pane, click Additional Details or Regulatory. This topic describes the Market Registration-specific information for the product. See Product Line Management User's Guide: Opening a Product for the full list of categories for a product.

    Category Name Page Tabs Description For More Information
    Additional DetailsProperties Lists the regulatory properties for the product.Regulatory Properties for a Product
    Storage Conditions Lists the storage conditions defined for the product.Storage Condition Page
    IndicationsLists the indications for the product.Indications Page
    Regulatory Regulatory Grid Lists the registration status for the different EC parts in the different countries for a product or the selected products and EC parts. Regulatory Grid for a Product
    SubmissionsLists the submission projects associated with the product.Submissions Page
    Market AuthorizationsLists the market authorizations for all countries.Market Authorizations List
    Classifications Lists the classification hierarchy for the product. Classifications for Market Registration
    Regulatory RequestsLists the requests for this product.Regulatory Requests List