Request Number | The automatically generated number of the request. Click to view the Properties page. See Regulatory Request Properties. |
Title | The descriptive name of the regulatory request. |
(Status) | Status:Icon | Description |
 | The request has not been accepted or rejected and the Reply By Date has passed. |  | The request is in process. |  | The request is complete. |
State | The current lifecycle state of the request:State | Description |
Create | The request has been created but not submitted to a person or queue. If the request is assigned to you, you can see the request. | Requested | The request has been submitted, but has not been accepted or rejected. | Assigned | Tasks defined by the request have been assigned to individual Regulatory Users. | Review | The Regulatory Users have completed their tasks and the Regulatory Request is in review. | Closed | The request has been approved. | Rejected | The request has been rejected. | Cancelled | The request was cancelled. |
Owner | The person who created the request. Does not show on the list of requests for a submission. |
Originating Company | The company that originated the request. |
Countries Does not display when you access the Related Requests category for a country. | Countries where the device, if approved, would be sold. |
Products Does not display when you access the Related Requests tab from the Regulatory category of a product. | The products associated with the request. Click to view the Properties page for the product. See Product Line Management
User's Guide: Product Properties Page. |
Request Type | The regulatory request type that defines what needs to be done to fulfill this request. The request type can include a questionnaire to determine who needs to review request deliverables. |
Request Assignee | The person assigned to respond to the request. |
Request Queue Does not display when you access the Related Requests category of a request queue. | The queue used by the request. The rules for the queue determine which queue the regulatory request is assigned to. The person who created the request can assign a specific person, or let Market Registration determine who to show the request to based on the queue rules and membership. A request has either a request assignee or a request queue value, but not both. If a specific person was not assigned the request, this column is blank until the request is submitted, then it shows the request queue. |
Origination Date | The date the request was created. |
Reply By Date | The date the request must be accepted or rejected in the regulatory request queue. Market Registration automatically allows 10 days for replies. Your Business Administrator can change the default value. |
Needed By Date | The date the request must be complete. |
Notes | Specific instructions from the person who created the request. Does not show on the list of requests for a submission. |
Description | Additional details about the request. Does not show on the list of requests for a submission. |
WBS Only shows on a Related Requests page tab. | The name of the schedule item associated with this related request. Click to open the WBS and context pages for that specific schedule item. |