MedDRA Classification Structure View

The MedDRA classification Structure View page displays all of the terms in a hierarchical structure, reflecting their relationships with each other. You import the MedDRA dictionary files into Market Registration, and can later update it when a new version is released. After updating the dictionary, you can run an Impact Analysis to determine if any updates affect any of your submissions.

Required access role: Regulatory Administrator, Regulatory Lead, or Regulatory User

To access and load data into the list of all classifications:

  1. Click > MedDRA Classification > Structure View.
    Note: Because of the large number of entries in the MedDRA dictionary, this page does not list any terms until you enter filter criteria.
  2. Click Refinements to open the Detail View - Refinements pane.
  3. Enter text in any combination of the filters, then click Filter.

    When entering criteria, you must type at least 3 characters. You can use the * wildcard. For example, you can enter Car* in the SOC filter, and the app finds all entries for Cardiac Disorders.

To view the list of classifications for an indication:

  1. Open the indication. See Indications Page.
  2. Click the MedDRA Classification category.

This topic describes:

This page discusses:


Each row in the table shows the full dictionary hierarchy for the preferred term.

Column NameDescription
Term NameUnique identifier of the MedDRA term.
Term TypeMedDRA classification level.
TitleDescriptive title of the MedDRA term.
Term CodeCode for the MedDRA term.
LLT CurrentIndicates whether the low level term is current.

If this columns shows N (for No), then the current version of the dictionary changed the terms defined by a prior version. You can run an impact analysis report to determine if the change affects any of your products.

Primary SOCIndicates whether this the primary SOC for the preferred term.
MedDRA VersionSpecifies the version of the MedDRA dictionary.

Actions/Toolbar Commands for MedDRA Classification View Pages

Action NameDescriptionFor More Information
Import Dictionary/Upgrade DictionaryImports the MedDRA dictionary for the first time or imports an upgraded dictionary.

Required access role: Regulatory Administrator

Importing or Upgrading the MedDRA Dictionary
Impact AnalysisOpens a report that lists the submission master records that could be affected if the selected dictionary items are changed.

Required access role: Regulatory Administrator

Analyzing the Impact of Changed Terms in MedDRA
MedDRA VersionAllows you to select a dictionary version. Only installed versions are listed. The terms associated with the selected dictionary version are shown on the page.

Required access role: Regulatory User


Actions/Toolbar Commands for MedDRA Classification Category for an Indication

Action NameDescriptionFor More Information
Add ClassificationAllows you to search for and add an MedDRA classification to the selected indication.

Required access role: Regulatory Lead

Assigning a MedDRA Classification to an Indication
Remove ClassificationRemoves the selected classification from the list.

Required access role: Regulatory Lead
