Importing Regulatory Calendar Templates

You can define a regulatory calendar template in a comma-separated values (CSV) file, and import that file into Market Registration.

Required access roles: Regulatory Administrator or regulatory calendar template owner

Note: The file must conform to the structure defined in Calendar Template from a CSV File.

Before you begin: Access the list of regulatory calendar templates. See Regulatory Calendar Templates Page.
  1. From the page toolbar or Actions menu, click Import Calendar Template .
  2. Enter these details:

    Field NameDescription
    Import from fileClick Browse or Find File to select the CSV file on your computer. The name of the button varies depending on which browser you use.
    TitleEnter a descriptive name for the template.
    DescriptionProvide additional details about the template.

  3. Click Done.

If the import succeeds, you see a confirmation message. Click OK.

If the import fails, the app displays an error message describing the problem. Usually, the problem is that the CSV file contains invalid data in a column, or is missing a column.