The 3DS PBR 2019x and 3DS PBR 2021x
materials are material models for physically based rendering, supported by all renderers
in the 3DEXPERIENCE platform. Physically based rendering (PBR) means that we
approximate the real-world appearance of a surface with a bidirectional scattering
distribution function (BSDF).
3DS PBR 2021x materials can be displayed with the Iray engine, but
are internally downgraded to 3DS PBR 2019x. This means
that Sheen and Displacement
parameters are ignored, resulting in a slightly different visualization compared
to the Stellar Physically Correct engine.
You cannot create 3DS PBR 2019x materials anymore. You can only edit
those created in previous releases.
They are defined by specific parameters that are available in the Appearance
Domain dialog box.
Base contains parameters common to the most common visual parameters of
real-world materials. The parameters of this component enable modeling the
appearance of a large number of materials, both dielectrics (transparent and opaque)
and conductors.
Base Color
Defines the overall color of the material.
It takes an RGB value
in the range [0,1] as a constant or from a texture and
applies it to the material. Make sure that a base color
texture does not include any lighting effects like shadows
or specular highlights, because these effects are simulated
by the rendering algorithm.
Describes the metallicness of the surface.
A value of 0.0 denotes
a nonmetallic or dielectric surface, a value of 1.0 is used
for a metallic surface. Occasionally you may want to use
values in between to linearly blend between the two models,
for example for rusty metal.
Nonmetals are 0, metals
are 1. This is a binary decision, a pure material can either
be dielectric or metallic. Only if you want to layer, for
example, dust onto metal, this parameter is between 0 and 1.
Metallic from 0 to 1
Describes the microscopic roughness of the
Smooth and polished surfaces have a low roughness
value, rough surfaces have a high value. A perfect mirror
has a value of 0.
Roughness from 0 to 1. Nonmetal top, metal
Describes the macroscopic structure of the
surface in terms of the normal direction of the tangent space.
This allows you to add details like small bumps and dents
without using more polygons. The normal direction is encoded
as an RGB value in a texture, where the default normal
[0,0,1] is mapped to the color [128,128,255].
then select the appropriate
value: Bump Texture or
Round Corners.
There is no common standard that defines
how RGB values in the range [0,255] are mapped to float
values in the range [−1.0,1.0]. In the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, 1 corresponds to −1.0,
128 to 0.0 and 255 to 1.0. 0 is undefined. Be careful when
using normal maps from foreign sources.
If bumps appear to sink in the surface instead of
stick out, try to invert the green channel of the texture.
Sheen lets you define parameters for fabrics materials.
Sheen Intensity
Controls the amount of sheen, ranging from 0 (no
sheen) to 1 (maximum sheen).
Some fabrics like velvet show a
significant amount of rim lighting (or sheen), resulting from
both forward and backward scattering. This comes from tiny
fibers standing straight up on the surface, creating a bright
effect when seen at grazing angles.
Sheen Color
Defines the rim lighting color for fabrics materials.
This parameter is relevant for the 3DS PBR 2021x
material only.
Sheen Roughness
Defines the microscopic roughness of the sheen for
fabrics materials, centered around grazing directions.
This parameter is relevant for the 3DS PBR 2021x
material only.
Flakes provides parameters for reflective particles.
Flakes Coverage
Specifies how densely the flakes are packed.
Defining this parameter to 1 means
that flakes entirely cover the surface.
Flakes Color
This color is usually determined by the pigments in the binder
containing the aluminum flakes.
Flakes Size
Specifies the size or diameter of the flakes
(in millimeters).
Flakes Roughness
Specifies the distribution of flake normals:
the smaller the value, the more aligned the flakes with the
surface normal of the geometry.
The higher the value, the more
they deviate from it.
Coating provides parameters describing a coating of a material like the
clear coat of a car paint.
Clearcoat Intensity
An additional monochromatic specular reflection layer on top of the
surface. It is enabled if the parameter value is not zero.
Clearcoat Roughness
Controls coating roughness.
Commonly 0 or
a small value, although any value between 0 and 1 is
Clearcoat Normal
Defines a separate normal map for the
Clearcoat layer, which works the same as the Normal Map of the
base layer.
Volume contains parameters for describing the volumetric parameters of
(partially) transparent materials.
Controls the transparency of the surface.
An opaque surface has a transparency of 0.0, a
transparent surface like glass or water has a transparency
of 1.0. Values in between blend between the two models and
may occasionally be useful for hybrid surfaces like dirty
Opaque surfaces are 0, transparent surfaces
are 1. This is a binary decision, a pure material can either
be opaque or transparent. Only if you want to layer, for
example, dust onto glass, this parameter is between 0 and 1.
For textures in black and white, white is transparent
and black is opaque.
Thin Walled
In case the material is transparent, you must configure what happens
in the space enclosed by the geometry boundary. There are two
Either the geometry defines the boundary between the
outside world and a volume, that is, the geometry
encloses a volume. In this case, you must define
Thin Walled to false and
use the volume parameters to configure scattering
inside the volume.
Or the geometry defines an infinitely thin volume
with surfaces on both sides. Thin
Walled must be defined to true and the
volume parameters (except Index of
Refraction) do not have an effect.
This parameter has no effect if the material is not
Although ray tracers
support volumetric objects, thin walled objects are much
faster to render. If you are concerned about render times,
use thin walled if possible. Windows, for example, are
usually very well approximated with a thin walled material,
as the glass is very thin and refraction is hardly
Thin walled (left) and volumetric sphere
Geometry (black line) defines the two-sided object
with an infinitely thin volume inside. . Right: Geometry (black line) defines the boundary
between outside and inside (gray box).
Due to their complexity,
refraction, attenuation, and subsurface scattering are only
partially supported by rasterizers. Do not expect
consistency across all renderers.
Index of Refraction
A measured physical number usually in the range between 1 and 2 that
determines how much the path of light is bent, or refracted,
when entering a material. It also influences the ratio between
reflected and transmitted light, calculated from the Fresnel
If the material is thin, that is, Thin
Walled is activated, the volume is
infinitely thin and, thus, the light is not refracted.
However, the reflectivity is still computed from the index
of refraction.
Index of Refraction
Window glass
Flint glass
Index of Refraction 1 to 2.
In addition to the refraction, the reflectivity changes
with increasing IOR.
Attenuation Color
Defines the remaining energy in terms of a color after a ray of white
light traveled a certain distance through the volume. If
subsurface scattering is disabled, the particles absorb all the
energy. If it is enabled, some energy is scattered.
When Transparency is
1, it seems like there are two
options to control the color of glass: Base
Color and Attenuation
Color. However, there is a subtle
difference: Base Color controls the
absorption when the light enters the volume.
Attenuation Color determines what
happens inside the volume (taking the distance into
account). As a rule of thumb, if an object is thin walled,
you must define its color with the Base
Color parameter. If it is volumetric, you
useAttenuation Color and
Attenuation Distance.
Attenuation Distance
With very short attenuation distances, the overall appearance of a
pure diffuse object is very similar to an object with subsurface
Attenuation Distance has no
effect on Thin Walled materials, as an infinitely thin
surface does not absorb light.
makes the object opaque for this color channel, 1 disables
attenuation. In both cases, the distance has no effect. If
only some color channels have this behavior, the result may
be confusing.
Subsurface Color
Defines the overall color an object has after multiple scattering
events (assuming noncolored attenuation).
scattering (SSS) of light inside a volume. While traveling
through the medium, light rays may not only be absorbed when
hitting a particle, but also scattered into some direction,
eventually leaving the surface at another point.
Attenuation Color and
Attenuation Distance describe the
density of the medium, that is, the mean free path length
after which a particle is hit. If either the distance is too
high, or the color is 1, no particle is hit, thus no
scattering occurs.
Controls anisotropy of the scattering effect.
Simulating the scattering of light inside the material's
volume, called subsurface scattering, gives visually rich
and realistic results at the cost of expensive calculations.
It is indispensable for simulating materials like milk,
juice, honey, marble, and similar. Translucency can be
computed much more efficiently, allowing for very accurate
support in real-time rasterizers. In addition, translucency
has the advantage that subsurface parameters can efficiently
be textured by 2D surface textures.
It exposes a
parameter "g" that determines whether light is scattered
equally in all directions (g=0), whether forward scattering
dominates (g > 0) or backward scattering dominates (g <
This parameter is relevant for the 3DS PBR 2021x
material only.
Defines the physical property that allows the light to go through the
surface (for example a sheet of paper, or plant leaves).
0 means that the surface is opaque, 1 indicates the
maximum translucency.
If you
are using the Stellar Realtime Native engine, specify the
highest quality for the Transparency
parameter in the Visual Quality
This parameter is relevant for the 3DS PBR 2021x
material only.
Emission contains parameters for specifying light radiation properties
of a surface.
Emission Value
Determines the brightness of the light source.
Emission Color
Determines the color of the emitted light
(roughly: the spectral distribution of emitted power).
Real-world light bulbs specify this in terms of color
Emission Mode
Determines the brightness of the light source.
Select Light Emittance to specify
the brightness as luminous power (roughly: the power
emitted by the light source; unit: lumens or lm).
Select Light Power to specify the
brightness as luminous power (roughly: the power emitted
per surface area of the light source; unit: lux).
Illustration of the two emission modes.. Left: The emission of both spheres is 1 lux by
specifying an Emission Value of 1 and defining Emission
Mode to false. When directly looking at them, they
appear equally bright, but the amount of energy they
emit is significantly higher for the large sphere.
Right: Emission is 1 lm for both spheres by specifying
Emission Mode as true. They radiate the same amount of
energy into the scene but they are differently bright
when looking at them directly.
Specify luminous power whenever finding
real-world specifications and when using proxy surfaces as
light emitters (for example, for light bulbs often the glass
surface surrounding the filament is defined as emissive
instead of the filament that emits light). Use luminous
emittance when changing the size of a light source impacts
the amount of energy it emits.
Energy Normalization
Modifies the emission as follows:
When Energy Normalization is cleared, darker emission colors
lead to darker emission even if hue and saturation are
kept constant. The quantity of emitted light is
determined by Emission Mode and
the product of Emission Color and
Emission Value. Example:
Emission Color is 50% gray,
Emission Value is defined to
1 and Emission
Mode to luminous power. As a result, the
light source emits colorless light at 0.5 lm.
When Energy Normalization is activated, the quantity of emitted
light is solely determined by the Emission
Mode and the Emission
Value. Emission
Color only modifies the colorfulness of
the light. Example: Emission
Color is 50% gray, Emission
Value is 1, and
Emission Mode is defined to
luminous power. As a result, the light source emits
colorless light at 1 lm.
In both images, the emissive value of both spheres is 1 and emission quantity to
luminous power. . The left sphere has a dark gray emission color, on the
right sphere it is white. Without energy normalization
(left) the left sphere is darker as emission color
influences intensity. With energy normalization (right),
they are equally bright as only emission color
chromaticity is considered.
The following parameters are available for a more artistic control.
Specular Intensity
Scales the amount of specular reflection on nonmetallic surfaces. It
has no effect on metals.
Every surface in the real-world has a specular
contribution, there are no pure diffuse surfaces. Therefore,
there is usually no reason to touch this parameter, even for
cardboard, cloth, or concrete. If you want to model mostly
diffuse materials, then make them rough
If you
want pure diffuse materials, maybe for simple visualizations
in engineering or high-performance preview renderings, you
can define this parameter to 0 to completely disable the
microfacet-based reflection component.
Specular Color
An additional color parameter that tints the specular reflection of
nonmetallic surfaces.
At grazing angles, the reflection still blends to white,
and the parameter has not effect on metals.
Be careful with this parameter, it is not
physically plausible and can be abused to create materials
that do not exist in the real world. However, certain
nonphotorealistic art styles may require this kind of
Lets you control the aspect ratio of the specular highlight.
This is useful, for example, for brushed metal,
where the mirror-like microfacets on the surface are all
oriented into the same direction, resulting in a long and
narrow highlight. A value of 0 disables anisotropy, a value
of 1 defines it to the maximum.
Anisotropy Rotation
Specifies the rotation angle for the specular highlight. A value of 0
corresponds to 0° rotation, a value of 1 rotates 360°.
The direction of the microfacets is initially given
by the texture coordinates of the mesh.
The orientation of the highlight is based
on the tangent space. That means that the mesh needs proper
texture coordinates from which the tangent space is
Displacement mapping modifies the position of surface point to add
details to the geometry. This map specifies the length and
direction of the displacement for each point of the surface.
Given a highly tessellated mesh and a height/displacement
map, vertices are displaced according to the values in the
texture, creating the geometric detail not at modeling but
at rendering time.
Click , and then use the
Height parameter to define the
appropriate value from 0 to 1.
Unlike the
Height parameter, the
Displacement parameter is not
connected to a texture and can be interpolated to adjust the
elevation effect across renderers.
You can also click
to open a texture file from the
database or from an external content through the Content
This parameter is relevant for the 3DS PBR 2021x
material only.
Cut-Out Opacity
Acts like an alpha channel on geometry. It is usually a texture that
defines holes in thin-walled objects, making it possible to fake
highly detailed geometry boundaries without additional polygons.
A surface either has a cut (0) or not (1). This is a
binary decision. If a surface has a hole, define the cut-out
opacity to 0. If not, define it to 1. Values in-between can
be used to smooth the edges. Use the
Transparency parameter if the
surface is semitransparent, for example for glass or water.
For textures in black and white, white is opaque and
black is transparent.
Cut-out mask (left) applied to a sphere (right).
Transparent regions are exactly 0, opaque regions are
exactly 1. Other values are only used for anti-aliasing
at edges.
It is important to distinguish between
Transparency and
Cut-Out Opacity.
Transparency is a
view-dependent effect that blends between reflection and
transmission based on a Fresnel term.
Cut-Out Opacity is not
view-dependent. It makes the surface transparent after
lighting computations have finished.
Transparency (top) and (inverted) Cut-Out Opacity
(bottom) 0 to 1.
While the sphere with cut-out completely vanishes, the
transparent sphere still reflects light at grazing
About Colors
Colors from the color picker are converted in sRGB space.
This means that more values are used in the upper end of the spectrum, which allows better
control for the artist and better lighting in the engine. An sRGB color is
brighter than its linear counterpart.