Review View
The review view provides a global overview of the review content, letting you find your way through the markups and the possible highlights and checks that it contains.
You can filter the thumbnails by selecting any of the following options from the list available at the top of the review view:
- Display all components: displays all thumbnails, that is reviews, markups, replies, checks and highlights.
- Display only Markups: Displays only markup and reply thumbnails.
- Display activated Markups and relatives: Displays only the activated markup, its containing markup, and its replies.
- Display only Highlights: Displays only highlight thumbnails.
- Display only Checks: Displays only check thumbnails.
In the review view, a number of commands are available on each thumbnail. You can display these commands by hovering over the thumbnail of interest.
The review thumbnail provides the following commands:
- Properties
: Lets you edit the review properties. - Create Markup
: Creates a markup. - Create Check
: Creates a check. This command is available with Design Synthesis. - Define Context
: Lets you define the context for review.
Markup thumbnail provides the following commands:
- Reset All
: Removes all the modifications performed on the product (position, hide/show, color, etc), and hides all markers, sections and measures. This command is available in a collaborative environment. - Deactivate Markup
: Deactivates the active markup. - Properties
: Lets you edit the markup properties. - Delete
: Deletes the markup and its content.
Highlight thumbnails provide the following tools:
- Set Impacted Check
: Traces the check impacted by highlight. This command is available with Design Synthesis. - Properties
: Lets you browse the highlight properties. This command is available in non-collaborative environment. - Delete
: Deletes the markup and its content. This command is available with Design Synthesis.
Check thumbnails provide the following tools:
- Unknown Status
: Indicates that the check's status is unknown. - OK Status
: Indicates that the check's status is OK. - KO Status
: Indicates that the check's status is KO. - Properties
: Lets you browse the check properties. This command is available in non-collaborative environment. - Delete
: Deletes the markup and its content. This command is available withDesign Synthesis. - Browse
: Allows you to navigate to the requirement attached to the check.
Slide View
The slide view displays the slides associated to the active markup. The last-applied slide is underlined and displayed using a blue color.
You can filter the thumbnails by selecting any of the following options from the list available at the top of the slide view:
- Display all slides of current review: Displays all existing slides.
- Only Slides: Displays slides related to the current interference result or root graph (Functional and Logical) only.
In the slide view, various commands are available on each thumbnail. You can display these commands by hovering over the thumbnail of interest.
- Create Highlight
: Creates highlight. This command is available with Design Synthesis. - Reply
: Replies to a markup using a slide. - Update Slide
: Updates the slide with the latest changes.
Archive View
The archive view displays the list of archives associated to the active current slide. The archive stores the information such as,
- The date and the time of the archive
- A capture of the slide at a given time
- The viewpoint.
You can filter the archives to display only those of interest to you. Use the list at the top of the archive view to Display all archive of current slide.
In the archive view also, commands are available on each thumbnail. You can display these commands by pointing the mouse over the thumbnail of interest.
- Delete
: Deletes the archive. - Reference
: Set the archive as a reference archive (a reference archive is the archive to be compared with). This command is available when the Launch PLMTimeMachine command is launched.
Tree View
The tree view provides a traditional view of the review content, and the associated product.
When you are in thumbnail view, you can select the thumbnail to select the corresponding entity in the tree. You need to press F3 to show or hide the tree view.