Changing Axis Display in a Plot

You can change the quantities plotted along each axis and customize other visualization properties for either axis.

See Also
About Plots
  1. From the plots panel, click
    The plot settings panel opens.
  2. Click the X-Axis or Y-Axis tab to modify the corresponding axis settings in the plot.
  3. From the Type list, select the quantity you want to display.

    If you select Strain, Stress, or Modulus, the plot includes all the available data for that quantity type.

  4. Enter a Range to impose a minimum or maximum value for the axis.
  5. Select Show log scale to display the data along a logarithmic scale. Clear this option to display data using a linear scale.
  6. Select Reverse direction to display the data in descending order.
  7. Select Show on top to display the x-axis on the top of the plot. Select Show on right to display the y-axis on the right of the plot.
  8. Select Show values to display the value labels on the axis.
  9. Select Show gridlines to display lines on the plot at each tick mark of the axis.
  10. Close the plot settings dialog box.