About Plots

Plots enable you to display the test data and material response, providing a visual representation of how well the response fits the test data during your calibration.

See Also
Creating a New Plot of Test Data or Response Data
Changing General Plot Information
Changing Data Sets and Responses Displayed in a Plot
Setting Default Plot Options
Setting Plot Options for Individual Test Data Sets or Responses in a Plot

The plotting functionality in Material Calibration uses libraries provided by highcharts. For more information about how highcharts displays plots, see their documentation at http://www.highcharts.com. This functionality enables you to perform any of the following activities to visualize your test data and responses:

  • Create a new plot and specify the test data and responses for it. By default, all the test data sets you import into the app are plotted in a default plot, but creating a new plot can provide a dedicated view of one subset of your data.
  • Change the test data and response data that you want to display in a plot.
  • Change the title, background color, and legend position.
  • Change the data displayed along each axis and display either axis in logarithmic scale.
  • Change the plot options for test data and responses, which enable you to adjust how the data looks in the plot. You can change plot options for individual data sets and responses in your plots, and you can set default plot option behavior for test data and responses in each deformation mode.