Setting Default Plot Options

You can adjust the default style that the app uses for plotting test data and response data for a particular deformation mode. Your choices in the Plot Options dialog box control the default behavior for plots only. You can also change the display style for any of the individual data sets or responses in any of your plots. For more information, see Setting Plot Options for Individual Test Data Sets or Responses in a Plot.

See Also
About Plots
  1. From the Calibration Tools section of the action bar, click Plot Options .
  2. Choose the deformation mode for which you want to change plot options. You can specify the default plot options for each type of test data deformation mode: Uniaxial, Biaxial, Planar, Simple shear, or Volumetric.
  3. For the selected deformation mode, define the plot options for test data plots and for response plots. You can (and usually should) specify different plot behavior for test data sets and the material response, and you can control the following display behaviors:
    Color Color of the points or line.
    Line style Lines can be solid, dashed, dotted.
    Symbol Shape used to display data points.
    Line width Thickness of the plot line.
    Symbol size Size of the data point symbols.

All new data sets and responses for the selected deformation mode are displayed using your new plot option selections when you add data of that type to a plot.