Applying Materials from a Navigation Window

You can apply a material from a navigation window, such as the Search Results panel or an Explore window.

Before you begin: Open a navigation window and a product.
See Also
About Applying Materials
  1. In the navigation window, click the arrow next to a material and then select Apply.
  2. In the work area or in the tree, select a product.
    Tip: Alternatively, drag the material from the navigation window on to a product.
  3. Optional: To preview the visual result of a material before applying it, right-click a material in the navigation window, select Apply and then hover over your object in the work area or in the tree.
    Important: You can only preview the visual result of materials loaded in session.
  4. To save the application of the material in the Material context toolbar, do one of the following:
    • Click .
    • Click the work area.
    • Click Esc.
    • Select another material in the navigation window.
    The material is applied to the object and appears in the tree.