About the Material Briefcases Available for Import

Each briefcase includes a set of material definitions that you can import into the database. For more information about the material you can import, see Materials in the 3DEXPERIENCE Native Apps Content Reference Guide.

This page discusses:

See Also
About Exporting Materials in 3D XML
Importing a Default Set of Materials

About the Material Data in DS-Engineering.3dxml

The linear elastic, density, and thermal properties of the metallic materials in the DS-Engineering.3dxml library come from the Metals Handbook Desk Edition (2nd Edition), ASM International. The material properties for the plastic materials in the DS-Engineering.3dxml library were reviewed by Matereality in 2009.

The work hardening plasticity properties for the metallic materials in DS-Engineering.3dxml has been estimated based on the available material properties in the Metals Handbook.

In DS-Engineering.3dxml the plasticity data are presented with the Johnson-Cook plasticity option using parameters A, B, and n.

The Johnson-Cook parameter m is set to zero, because m only affects strain-rate dependent behavior, which is not included in these material definitions.

The parameter A is the yield stress at 0% offset, and the parameters B and n define the hardening curve.

The yield stress provided in the Metals Handbook was measured at 0.2% offset and the Johnson-Cook equation requires yield stress at 0% offset, so the Metals Handbook data required conversion before they could be used in the Johnson-Cook equation.

A two-parameter power law, called the Hollomon equation, was used to determine n, which is the strain at ultimate tensile strength.

Then the Johnson-Cook parameters A and B were calculated using n together with the handbook yield and ultimate tensile strength.

Contents of Briefcases Available for Import

DS-Standard.3dxml A set of 18 default sample materials. Each material in this briefcase includes data in the simulation domain and in the appearance domain, the drafting domain, or in both of these domains.

A preview of this briefcase shows 90 objects.

Every material imported from this briefcase is saved with its Family attribute set to DS-Standard.

Within the simulation domain each material has two defined behaviors:

  • A default behavior, elastic-plastic plus thermal.
  • A second behavior, elastic-thermal: a subset of the default behavior with the plasticity properties removed.

DS-Engineering.3dxml A set of 116 materials suited to engineering apps, including 81 aluminum alloys, 22 steels, and 13 plastics.

Each material imported from this briefcase has data specified in the appearance and simulation domains, and each material is saved to the database with one of the following three labels in its Family attribute: Steel, Aluminium Alloys, or Plastics.

Each material contains an appearance and a simulation domain.

The metals include two behaviors:

  • With Plasticity (Default)
  • Without Plasticity

The plastics include only one behavior: Linear Elastic (Default).

DS-EngineeringFluids.3dxml A set of 10 fluid materials suited to computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations.

These materials are intended for use in the Fluid Model Creation and Fluid Scenario Creation apps.

The Family attribute name for each material imported from this briefcase is Fluid, and 8 of the 10 material definitions include further information about the material in the Description field.

Each material includes data in the simulation domain only, and each material has one material behavior named Behavior.1.

DS-ElasticFatigue.3dxml A set of over 300 materials suited to elastic-fatigue analysis.

The Family label for each material is set to the name of a metal, like Aluminium or Steel.

Only the Elastic-Fatigue behavior is defined per material in the simulation domain.

DS-InjectionMolding.3dxml A set of over 3000 materials suited to plastic injection molding.

These materials are intended for use with the Plastic Part Filling and Plastic Injection apps.

The simulation domain of each material includes data for at least one Injection Molding material option.

DS-FKM-Weld.3dxml A set of over 80 materials suited to FKM static strength and fatigue assessments.
DS-VerityWeldFatigue.3dxml A set of materials that are not yet usable for Verity weld fatigue simulations but are available to illustrate the S-N curve data currently hard coded for steel and aluminum welds.