Calculated Substances List

You can use the Substances (Calculated) to view the rolled-up calculated substances of the part. The substances are rolled up from the selected equivalents of the part and its BOM components.

If a part in the BOM has an MEP that is marked as the selected equivalent, then the substances in the materials of this MEP are rolled up and stored with the part and any parts that reference it. If the part in the BOM has no selected equivalent MEP defined, then the substances of the materials directly associated with the part or calculated substances in component parts of the BOM are rolled up.

Required access roles:

  • Baseline: Author
  • App-specific: Compliance Engineer

To access this page:

  1. Open the required part. For more information, see Opening a Part.
  2. In the navigation pane, click Compliance.
  3. Click the Substances (Calculated) tab.

This topic describes:

This page discusses:

See Also
In Other Guides
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Product Tab

Column Name Description
Name The name of the substance. This is displayed as a hyperlink to the properties page of the substance. See Substance Properties.

Foe each substance, the page lists the values for "All Compliance Types Except Noted," and a single line for all "no application taken" amounts.

CAS Number The CAS Number of the substance.
EC Number The EC Number of the substance.
All Applications:
% in Part (Min) The minimum percentage of the substance in the part.
% in Part (Target) The targeted percentage of the substance in the part.
% in Part (Max) The maximum percentage of the substance in the part.
% IA in Part The percentage of the substance that is intentionally added in the part.
% IR in Part The percentage of the substance that is intentionally released in the part.
Individual Applications:
% in Part (Min) For the listed individual applications, the minimum percentage of the substance in the part.
% in Part (Target) For the listed individual applications, the targeted percentage of the substance in the part.
% in Part (Max) For the listed individual applications,the maximum percentage of the substance in the part.
% in Part For the listed individual applications, the total percentage of the substance in the part.
% IA in Part For the listed individual applications, the percentage of the substance that is intentionally added in the part.
Worst Case Material:
% in Matl The weight of the substance classification in the worst case material based on the part BOM selected equivalent configuration containing the substance classification. The worst case material is the material that contains the largest percentage amount of this substance classification.
REACH Reg Status The REACH registration status of the substance.
REACH Pre-Reg Status The REACH pre-registration status of the substance.
Application Area A description of the application area for the worst case material. This information is imported from and exported to the JGPSSI reporting format.
Material Composition Info A description of the material composition information of the worst case material This information is imported from and exported to the JGPSSI reporting format.
Description A description of the worst case material. This information is imported from and exported to the IPC 1752 reporting format.
Worst Case Intentionally Added Material:
% in Material The weight of the intentionally added substance classification in the worst case material. The worst case material is the material that contains the largest percentage amount of this substance classification intentionally added.
Description A description of the intentionally added worst case material. This information is imported from and exported to the IPC 1752 reporting format.
Application Area A description of the application area for the worst case intentionally added material. This information is imported from and exported to the JGPSSI reporting format.
Material Composition Info A description of the material composition information of the worst case intentionally added material This information is imported from and exported to the JGPSSI reporting format.
Individual Applications:
% IA in Part For the listed individual applications, the percentage of the substance that is intentionally added in the part.
Worst Case Component
% in Part For the listed worst case component, the total percentage of the substance in the part.
% IA in Part For the listed worst case component, the percentage of the substance that is intentionally added in the part.

Process Tab

Column Name Description
Name The name of the substance. This is displayed as a hyperlink to the properties page of the substance. See Substance Properties.

Foe each substance, the page lists the values for "All Compliance Types Except Noted," and a single line for all "no application taken" amounts.

CAS Number The CAS Number of the substance.
EC Number The EC Number of the substance.

Actions/Toolbar Commands

Action Description For More Information
Roll Up Compliance Data Rolls up compliance data. About Rollups