Cust Part No | The customer part number of the top level part based on the customer program selected on the report form. |
Part or Sub-Assembly Name | Name of the enterprise part. |
Revision | Revision of the part. |
Plant | The plant name (for plant specific parts). |
Description | Description of the part. |
Mfg, Mfg Org ID, Mfg Location, Mfg Part Name | If the part has a selected equivalent MEP these columns show the Manufacturer (Supplier) Name, Organization ID, and Location and the MEP Name. The Manufacturer is shown as a hyperlink to the Supplier properties page. |
Weight | The calculated weight of the part. |
Unit of Measure | The base unit of measure of the part such as each or feet. |
Level | The level the part in the BOM (level 1 being the top level part selected for this report). Note:
If descendants are not included only the top level selected parts are shown in this report.
Quantity | The quantity of the part in the BOM with respect to its parent part in the BOM (or the top level part if Report Level is set to "Top and Leaf". |
Qty UoM | The quantity unit of measure. |
Modified | The date the part was last modified. |
(Materials) | If the report is configured to include materials, additional rows showing the materials are included in the report under every part including intermediate and top level parts. For intermediate and top level parts, the materials are those referenced by all subordinate parts. The following additional columns are displayed for materials:Column Name | Description |
Material Title | The title of the material shown as a hyperlink to the material properties page. | Material Specification | The name of any material specifications associated with the materials. | Total Material Weight (g) | The weight of the material with respect to the top level part (in grams). |
(Substances) | If the report is configured to include substances, additional rows showing the substances are included in the report under every material. The following additional columns are displayed for substances:Column Name | Description |
Substance | The name of the substance. | CAS | The CAS Number of the substance. | % of Subs in Material (%) | The percentage of the substance in the material. | Weight of Subs in Material (g) | The weight of the substance in the material with respect to the top level part (in grams). |