IMDS Confidential Substance Validation

The Confidential Substance tab of the IMDS Validation report lists uploaded material composition for miscellaneous substance weight. Multiple instances of the same substances are combined prior to validation.

IMDS does not allow materials to be uploaded that contain an amount of "joker" substances exceeding 10%. In Materials Compliance Management, a joker substance is one that has a blank CAS number.

Required access roles:

  • Baseline: Leader
  • App-specific: Senior Compliance Engineer

To generate this report, see Generating the IMDS Validation Report and then click the Confidential Substance tab.

This page discusses:


Column NameDescription
Material TitleThe material title. Click the name to view its properties.
Total Joker Substances Weight (%) The total percentage of joker substances in the material. A material cannot contain joker substances exceeding 10%.
Substance NameThe substance name for the joker substance.
Percentage Weight The percentage weight of the joker substance in the material.
Direct Parent Part NameThe direct parent part name, if applicable. Click the part's name to view its compliance properties.
Top Level Part Name The top level part name for export. Click the part's name to view its compliance properties.


This table shows how Materials Compliance Management validates the listed IMDS rules.

IMDS RuleIMDS Rule DescriptionMaterials Compliance Management Validation
Rule 4.5.2.ASubstances may only be marked as confidential if they are not declarable or prohibited according to GADSL (suppliers to Renault: BGO list), are not an SVHC, and do not require an application code.Materials Compliance Management validates that substances listed in a GADSL Compliance Definition and/or a REACH SVHC Compliance Definition cannot be marked as “Confidential”.

If a substance is found that is marked “Confidential” and the substance is also on a GADSL or REACH SVHC Compliance Definition, then an error is thrown.

Rule 4.5.2.B If a GADSL (suppliers to Renault: BGO list) update changes the status of substances that are marked as confidential in a material MDS, the respective material MDS must be updated accordingly so that the substance is no longer marked confidential. MDS’s containing this material MDS also must be updated along the supply chain.
Rule 4.5.2.CThe sum of confidential substances, including wildcards for highly confidential substances must not exceed 10% of a material. Exceptions are allowed for master-batches in sub-materials; which is covered in Rule 5.1.A below.Materials Compliance Management validates that the Total Amount of “Joker + Confidential Substances” does not exceed 10% in leaf-level materials. The exception of “master-batch materials” is covered under Rule 5.1.A.
Rule 4.5.3.GWildcards must not be marked confidential.Materials Compliance Management validates that any Joker (wildcard) substances are not and cannot be marked as confidential.
Rule 5.1.A If a plastics material consists of sub-materials, any restrictions concerning the substance ranges and sum of (highly) confidential substances do not apply to the sub-materials, but are calculated with regard to the topmost material level.If Materials Compliance Management finds that a leaf-level Material has a “Parent Material”, then the 10% total amount of “Joker + Confidential Substances” is checked at the Parent Material Level instead of the Leaf-Level (Child) Materials.