IMDS Polymeric Marking Validation

The Polymeric Marking tab of the IMDS Validation Report shows a validation check of polymeric marking for parts that are uploaded components or semicomponents.

Polymeric material is checked as follows:

  • For each set of materials in the same group of IMDS classification, their weights (with respect to the part) are combined prior to comparison.
  • If the total weight for an IMDS classification group exceeds what is allowable for that group, check which groups are exceeded: If the weight exceeds group 1 and not 2 and 3, then "Yes", "N/A", or "No" are the values allowed for polymeric marking. If the weight exceeds group 2 or 3, then only "Yes" or "N/A" are allowed for polymeric marking.

Required access roles:

  • Baseline: Leader
  • App-specific: Senior Compliance Engineer

To generate this report, see Generating the IMDS Validation Report and then click the Polymeric Marking tab.

Column NameDescription
Part NameThe name of the part.
Current Invalid Polymeric Marking Value Value can be "No", "Yes", or "Unassigned".
New Polymeric Marking Value You can change a part's polymeric marking.
Weight (g) of Materials Exceeding Polymeric Markings ThresholdThe total material weight of all materials in the following groups of classification:
  • 5.1, 5.1.a, 5.1.b, 5.3, 5.4.1
  • 5.1a, 5.1b
  • 5.3
Material Title (Classification)

The material title. Click the title to view the material's properties.

Direct Parent Part Name The direct parent part name, if applicable. Click the part's name to view its compliance properties.
Top level Part NameThe top level part name for export. Click the part's name to view its compliance properties.