Compliance Properties

The Compliance Properties page displays basic identifying attributes and compliance attributes of the enterprise part, compliance plant-specific part, subtier part, or reported part. Others are calculated attributes computed in the rollup process.

Compliance properties are shown for parts created in Materials Compliance Management (plant-specific and manufacturer equivalent parts), reported parts, and parts created in Engineering BOM Management.

Required access roles:

  • Baseline: Reader, Author, Leader
  • App-specific: Compliance Reviewer, Compliance Engineer, Senior Compliance Engineer

To access this page:

  1. Open the required part. For more information, see Opening a Part.
  2. In the navigation pane, click the name of the part.
  3. Click the Compliance Properties tab.

This topic describes:

This page discusses:

See Also
In Other Guides
Page Toolbar Icons


If you see above the fields, changes have been made to the part, or its component materials or substances that could affect the compliance. Click > to roll up the compliance data for the part.

Field Name Description
Name The name of the part.
Type The type or subtype of the part.
Rev or Manufacturer Revision The revision of the part. For enterprise parts this field is labeled Rev and for MEPs this field is labeled Manufacturer Revision.
Revision Date or Manufacturer Revision Date The date on which the part was last revised. For enterprise parts this field is labeled Revision Date and for MEPs this field is labeled Manufacturer Revision Date.
Description The description of the part.
Plant Location The host company location of a plant-specific part (shown for plant-specific parts only).
Manufacturer For MEPs, the supplier of the part.
Manufacturer Location For MEPs, the supplier location of the part.
Actual Manufacturer The supplier who manufactures the part.
External Effective Date The supplier's effective data of the part/
Part Family The part family associated with the part (shown for enterprise parts only).
Selected Equivalent Method For enterprise parts, the method used in the roll up process to choose the selected equivalent of an enterprise part. The selected equivalent is the configuration of the part used for reporting purposes. Any MEP equivalent can be chosen as the selected equivalent. The enterprise configuration can also be chosen as the selected equivalent. The enterprise configuration consists of the component parts and material directly associated with the part.

When an enterprise part is exported or reported in a format that requires that a particular equivalent be selected for reporting, Materials Compliance Management uses the selected equivalent to determine what compliance information, including components parts and materials, are reported with the enterprise part.

Method Description
Worst Case Chooses the equivalent for rollup with the Worst Case compliance based on a pre-configured compliance definition.
Best Case Chooses the equivalent for rollup with the Best Case compliance based on a pre-configured compliance definition.
First Reported Chooses the first reported equivalent.
Enterprise Configuration Uses the BOM child of the enterprise part for compliance calculation instead of selecting a MEP as the selected equivalent.
Selected MEP The selected equivalent is manually selected.

Selected Equivalent The current selected equivalent MEP of the enterprise part. If no MEP is shown the selected equivalent is the enterprise configuration of the part. This is shown for enterprise parts only.
Weight (Reference) The reference weight of the part.
Unit of Measure The base unit of measure of the part.

You cannot change the unit of measure for an EC Part.

For a Compliance Part, the % and PPM units of measurement are not supported.

Calculated Weight The calculated weight of the part. The calculated weight is computed in the rollup process from component part and material weights and quantities.

If the part has component material with quantity type as Unknown, then calculated weight is set equal to the Reference weight.

Absolute Weight Deviation The deviation (0 to 100%) between the calculated weight and the reference weight of the part. This is calculated as follows:

If the calculated weight < = reference weight: deviation = 100 * (1 - calc weight/ref weight)

If the calculated weight > reference weight: deviation = 100 * (1 - ref weight/calc weight)

China RoHS Part Classification A part classification that supports the China RoHS.
Annual Number of EU Units Imported The total number of units produced or imported into the European Union annually. This is shown for enterprise parts only.
Notes Any notes entered for the part.
Import File The import file associated with the part.
Declaration Levels Declaration levels selected for this part.
Is Article Blank or Yes. Yes if this part is explicitly marked as an Article for the IP 1754 standard reporting.

You cannot edit this attribute for a Reported Part.

Policy The lifecycle policy for the part.
Compliance Information

Field Name Description
Recycling Code Standards The recycling codes standards that this part conforms to.
CFCs Yes or No indication of whether the part contains chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs).
ISO 1043 and ISO 11469 Polymeric Marking Identifies if the part is a polymeric part according to the ISO 1043 and ISO 11469 standards with a "Yes", "No", or "N/A" value.
Compliance Indicator A calculated WEEE property that indicates the compliance of a component part for lead-free process and for RoHS compliance as a single code number. The calculation is based on the RoHS compliance, maximum temperature rating, and component terminal plating/surface finish. Shown for MEPs only.
Above Threshold Exists True if the part contains substances above the defined thresholds.

Selected Part Level Applications The part level application selected for the part. The compliance type is prefixed to the compliance application name with ":" separating the names.
Eligible Part Level Applications The compliance applications that are eligible for this part.
Battery Information Enterprise and manufacturer equivalent parts can have battery information if the selected part level application is "Batteries" for RoHS.

Field Name Description
Battery Type The battery type, such as Automotive or Industrial.
Battery Technology The battery technology for the selected Battery Type. For example, values might be Lead Acid or Lithium Ion.

SCIP The SCIP information about the part level.

Field Name Description
Primary Article Identifier The primary article identifier to store SCIP data at the part level.
SCIP Article Name The article name of the SCIP data.
SCIP Article Category Identity The identity of SCIP article category.
  • Identfies the value which is stored in the attribute.
  • In the View mode, the value for identity and description is displayed.
  • In Edit mode, only the code for identity is displayed. You can also enter the comma separated taric codes. The taric codes in the SACAll.dat file from IMDS are different from the taric codes in the list of ECHA XML files. The taric codes in the IMDS file contain trailing zeros. If the ELV is installed, the app uses the content from SACAll.dat to read and validate taric codes. Otherwise, the app uses the content from the list of ECHA XML files to read and validate taric codes.
Production in European Union The production in the EU. The possible values are:
  • Both EU produced and imported
  • EU imported
  • EU produced
  • No data
Safe Use Instructions Needed? Whether the safe instructions are required or not. Select Yes to add safe use instructions. Otherwise select No.
Safe Use Instructions Type the instructions related to safe use.

WEEE Classifications WEEE classification information includes:

Field Name Description
WEEE Applicable A Yes/No flag indicating whether WEEE classifications are applicable to the enterprise part or plant-specific part. For this field to display, the part must be enabled for compliance.
Generic and country classifications If applicable, lists the generic and country-specific WEEE classifications for the part. Only one WEEE classification per country is allowed.

WEEE classifications are enabled only with RoHS data management.

Compliance Calculations

Field Name Description
Compliance Type The type of compliance, for example, JIG or REACH.
Compliance Definition The compliance definition within the compliance type. For example, JIG 2.0 or EU REACH XVII.
Declared or Calculated:

Best Case

Worst Case

If the RoHS Data Management Option is used, the declared compliance values are displayed for a reported part. Calculated compliance values are shown for other data management options.

Best and Worst Case compliance applies to Compliance Definitions that defines a material or component level thresholds. For example, Compliance Definitions that only have part level thresholds show the Selected column with a calculated value and not the Best Case and Worst Case columns.

Possible values:

  • Yes. The part is compliant.
  • Yes with Exemptions. The part is compliant but only because of an exemption.
  • No. The part is not compliant.
  • Unreported. The part is unreported.
  • Contains Unreported. The part references parts in the BOM that are unreported.
  • Out of Scope. The part is not considered for the given compliance definition.
  • Insufficient. The part has an assigned declaration level and the compliance definition is not part of the declaration level.
  • Contains Insufficient. The part has one or more children parts that are "Insufficient".
Selected Exemptions If the Compliance value is "Yes with Exemptions" this column lists the exemptions.
Violations If the Compliance value is "No", this shows the violations.
Eligible Part Level Exemptions Any part level exemptions.

Manufacturing Information

Field Name Description
Component Terminal Plating/Surface Finish The component terminal plating/surface finish.
Maximum Temperature Rating (Celsius) The maximum re-flow temperature rating in degrees Celsius of the current part.
Max Cycles at Max Temperature The maximum cycles tested at the maximum temperature for the part.
Max Time at Max Temperature The maximum amount of time this part was tested at the maximum temperature.

Recycled Content

Field Name Description
Post-Industrial Recyclate (%) The calculated post-industrial recycled content percentage amount.
Post-Consumer Recyclate (%) The calculated post-consumer recycled content percentage amount.
Contained Recyclate (Measured) (%) The calculated "As Measured" recycled content percentage amount.
Contained Recyclate (Released) (%) The calculated "As Released" recycled content percentage amount.
RRR Classification The RRR classification of the part. This field only displays when the ELV data option is active.
RRR Recycling Technology An indicator for RRR recycling technology for the part. This field only displays when the ELV data option is active.
RRR Recoverability Rate The RRR recoverability rate of the part. This field only displays when the ELV data option is active.
RRR Recyclability Rate The RRR recyclability rate of the part. This field only displays when the ELV data option is active.


The IMDS section is also displayed for the subtier parts.

Field Name Description
Component Module ID The IMDS module ID of the part when uploaded as a Component to IMDS.
SemiComponent Module ID The IMDS module ID of the part when uploaded as a SemiComponent to IMDS.
Component Version The IMDS version of the part when uploaded as a Component to IMDS.
SemiComponent Version The IMDS version of the part when uploaded as a SemiComponent to IMDS.
J-STD-020 Moisture Sensitivity level The J-STD-020 moisture sensitivity Level for the part.
Component Node ID The IMDS Node ID of the part when uploaded as a Component to IMDS.
SemiComponent Node ID The IMDS Node ID of the part when uploaded as a SemiComponent to IMDS.
IMDS Cleared Status Indicates whether existing IMDS IDs associated with the part have been cleared for insert or cleared for update.
IMDS Weight Tolerance The IMDS weight tolerance for the part.

Alternative Recommendation

Information for an alternative compliant version of a non-compliant part:

Field Name Description
Projected Full-Scale Production Date The projected full-scale production date.
Transition to Compliance Part A flag that is typically specified when the part is not EU RoHS compliant to indicate how a compliant version of the part will be provided. Choices are "Date," meaning that the compliant part will be delivered by a specific date, or "New Part," meaning that a new part number will be provided.
Sample Part Availability Date The sample part availability date.
Compliance Transition Part Number Specifies the part number for a compliant alternative of the part. This field is available if the "Transition to Compliance Part" is set to "New Part".
Termination Base Alloy The base alloy used in the termination material.
Compliance Transition Date Specifies the date for a compliant alternative of the part. This property is defined when the "Transition to Compliance Part" is set to "Date".

Actions /Toolbar Commands

Command Description For More Information
Edit Details Edits details of a part.

You cannot edit reported part properties.

Add To Compliance Portfolio Adds selected parts to the compliance portfolio. -

Compliance Commands

The Compliance menu includes these commands.

Command Description For More Information
Roll Up Compliance Data Rolls up the compliance data for parts. -
Reports Selects a report. Analyzing Compliance
Export Exports an enterprise part.

You cannot export an MEP or a Reported Part.

Reporting Compliance to the Customer

IMDS Actions

The IMDS actions only show when the ELV Data Management option is used. You must have the Leader or Senior Compliance Engineer access role to execute these actions. These actions are also displayed for the subtier parts along with the CEP and MEP.

Action Description
Clear for Insert Clears the IMDS IDs of the selected parts so that the next time it is uploaded to IMDS a new Component or SemiComponent is inserted (with new IMDS Module ID, IMDS Version, and IMDS Node ID) instead of referencing or updating the existing Component or SemiComponent. The IMDS Cleared Status of the selected parts is set to "Clear for Insert."
Clear for Update Clears the IMDS IDs of the selected parts so that the next time it is uploaded to IMDS, the existing Component or SemiComponent for the part in IMDS is updated instead of referenced. The IMDS Cleared Status of the selected parts is set to "Clear for Update". The existing IMDS IDs are retained and used in the upload to identify the Component or SemiComponent in IMDS that is to be updated.

The next time the part is uploaded to IMDS, a new Component or SemiComponent will be created in IMDS with the same IMDS Module ID as the original Component or SemiComponent, but with a new IMDS Version and IMDS Node ID.

Reset Clear for Update/Insert Undoes a previous "Clear for Update" or "Clear for Insert" action on the selected parts and sets the "IMDS Cleared Status" attribute of these materials to blank.