Configuring Import Options

You can locally override global importer options for a particular import job.

Business Administrators can set the default values for the options in this dialog box. For a particular job, you can then change these options as required for the current import job.

Required access roles:

  • Baseline: Author, Leader
  • App-specific: Compliance Administrator

  1. On the Import Data page, click Configure Settings.
  2. Specify the configuration you want when files are imported:
    Field NameDescription
    Automatic Adding of Objects
    Add Referenced Supplier Indicates whether or not to create a supplier if the supplier referenced in the reported part import does not exist in the database. The importer uses the supplier name and code provided with the reported part to find a match to an existing supplier in the database. If this option is "No", an error occurs if no match is found. If this option is "Yes", a supplier is created if no match is found.

    For IMDS imports of external module files, the IMDS Company ID is used to match an Materials Compliance Management supplier. If this fails to find a match then the IMDS Company ID is used to look up the supplier name and code in the ccall.dat file. The importer then uses this name and code to find a match to an existing supplier in the database. If this option is "No", an error occurs if no match is found. If this option "Yes", a supplier is created if no match is found.

    Note: This option only applies if "Add Referenced MEP" is set to "Yes" and an MEP must be created because it does not already exist in the database.

    Add Referenced Manufacturer LocationIndicates whether or not to create a supplier location if the supplier location referenced in the reported part import does not exist in the database. If this option is set to "No", an error occurs if the supplier location does not exist in the database. If this option is "Yes", a supplier location is created if one does not exist.
    Note: This option only applies if "Add Referenced MEP" is set to "Yes" and an MEP must be created because it does not already exist in the database.
    Referenced ContactSelect each check box related to supplier contacts if you want Materials Compliance Management to perform that task:
    • Add If the import includes a supplier contact that does not exist, create the supplier contact and associate it with the supplier.
    • Update If the supplier contact exists, update any data required from the IMDS import.
    Add Referenced ContactIndicates whether supplier contacts should be created when importing IMDS external modules. If "Yes", and if the supplier is auto-created as part of the module import, then all of its contacts, as defined in the IMDS CCALL.dat file, will be added to the supplier. If the supplier already exists then only the contact associated with the module will be added to the supplier. If the value is "No", no IMDS contacts will be added to the supplier.
    Add Referenced CustomerIndicates whether or not to automatically create a customer that is referenced in a Customer Part Number of an enterprise part when it does not exist in the database. For example, if a part has a customer part number defined for the customer "Hybrid Car Co", the importer verifies whether or not a customer named "Hybrid Car Co" exists in Materials Compliance Management. If the customer does not exist, and this parameter is set to "Yes", the customer "Hybrid Car Co" is added to the database so that it can be referenced. If the customer does not exist and this parameter is set to "No", an error is generated.
    Add Referenced MEPIndicates whether or not to automatically create an MEP if it does not exist in Materials Compliance Management when importing a Reported Part. If this option is set to "No", then an import error log entry will occur if the MEP does not exist in the database. If this option is set to Yes, and no matching MEP is found in the database, then the MEP is created and connected to the matched/created Enterprise Part as an equivalent part.
    Add Referenced CEPIndicates whether or not to automatically create an Enterprise Part if it does not exist in Materials Compliance Management when importing a Reported Part and an MEP is created or matched. If this option is set to "No" and no matching Enterprise Part is found, a warning is displayed in the log.
    Note: If "Add Referenced MEP" is set to "No" and you attempt to set "Add Referenced CEP" to "Yes", an error is displayed.
    Auto Connect MEP as Equivalent Used when a supplier reports an MEP for an Enterprise part, and the MEP exists in the database but is not an equivalent of the matched enterprise part. If this option is set to "Yes", the MEP is connected to the Enterprise Part as an equivalent.
    Automatic Setting/Handling of Attributes:
    Default Plant Used to indicate that enterprise part BOMs should be imported as plant-specific part BOMs using a specified plant. Normally enterprise parts are imported as enterprise part BOMs. If you select a Default Plant from the menu, then the enterprise parts are first matched and created if it does not exist. A plant-specific part for the default plant is then matched and created if it does not exist for each enterprise part. The plant-specific parts are then connected to an EBOM. Note: a plant is an active host company location. Only active host company locations appear in this menu.
    Append Supplier Code to Supplier NameAutomatically adds the supplier code (for example, Vendor Code or Company ID) to the supplier name when suppliers are imported into Materials Compliance Management. This provides a way to make all supplier names unique in Materials Compliance Management in cases where the source of the suppliers does not require supplier name uniqueness but does have a unique supplier code.
    Part Name Character Map From / Part Name Character Map To These two fields work together to cause the imported part name to be modified. The part name characters in the "Map From" field are mapped on a position-by-position basis to the characters in the "Map To" field. If a character in "Map From" does not have a corresponding character in "Map To", then the character is stripped from the part name.

    For example:

    Map From=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz-,;

    This causes all lower-case characters in the part name to be modified to be upper-case. It also strips out the dash (-), comma (,), and semicolon (;) characters from the part name. For example:

    Original Part Name = My,Part-Name;

    Modified Part Name = MYPARTNAME

    When the dialog box opens, these parameters are undefined causing all part name characters to pass through unmodified.

    Fuzzy Supplier Matching Rules:
    Fuzzy Supplier Matching When set to "No", supplier names must match EXACTLY, including full case sensitivity. When set to "Yes", the import attempts to match similar supplier names and supplier codes from Materials Compliance Connect spreadsheets. This is done by tokening the supplier names and supplier codes into whole words as follows:
    • Case-sensitivity is ignored.
    • Leading and trailing SPACE character is added to the string.
    • The characters _-.,()/[]`' are replaced with SPACE
    • The sequence "SPACEandSPACE" is replaced with "SPACE&SPACE"
    • The string is tokenized into a list of whole words that are delimited by SPACE

    The whole words that are insignificant are removed from the tokenized list. This list includes the words (case-insensitive):

    the oflightinggroup
    co supplyspacoatings
    company plasticsplasticas
    incorporated cvohgfluid
    systems industrialnorthvan
    ltd industriesinternationalstamping
    limited rubberspringaluminum
    assoc metalcorporationaluminium
    associates syspolymergraphics
    corp llcpolymersuk
    industries mfgmanufacturingsl
    usa ltdagmbhtool
    canada centeruniteddie
    and americaabfoam
    sa divagfrance
    de productkg
    electronics productsund
    electronic autoeurope
    group automotiveinstruments

    Fuzzy Supplier Matching Requires MEP MatchIndicates if the MEP must match when using fuzzy supplier matching.
    Part Matching Rules:
    Manufacturer Location In MEP MatchIndicates, in a Manufacturer Equivalent Part match, whether the manufacturer location should be used.
    Duplicate Definition Mode Indicates what to do in the case of duplicate part imports. "Replace-Existing" will replace the existing part with the imported part; "Ignore-New" will ignore the imported part information and keep the existing part information.
    IMDS Rules:
    Internal Modules Determines how the importer handles internal (the Host Company) modules that are encountered in IMDS module import files. If you choose either of the import options, you should also choose to skip the External Modules import.

    SkipInternal modules will not be imported.
    Import - Update OnlyExisting parts and materials in internal modules will be imported. When the import cannot find a matching part or material, an entry is made in a log.

    This is the default setting.

    Import - Update and AddExisting parts and materials in internal modules will be imported. When the import cannot find a matching part or material, the import will create the part or material.

    External Modules Determines if the importer will include external modules.

    SkipExternal modules will not be imported. Choose this option when importing internal modules.
    Import Existing parts and materials in external modules will be imported.

    This is the default setting.

    Materials Module Indicates how the importer will process an IMDS material module (for example, a module where the top-level item is a material) in the import file.

    Auto-Make-Parts The importer creates a container (or parent) part for the top-level material on import.
    AddThe importer imports only the material (no parent/container part).
    IgnoreThe importer skips the IMDS material in the import file.

    ChemSHERPA Chemical Tool:
    Materials ModuleThe import creates an External Material associated with the supplier. When the Auto-Make-Parts check box is selected, the app also creates an MEP and uses the material title to name to MEP.

    These materials have no exemption information associated with them. You should edit the materials before using them in parts. For more information, see chemSHERPA Imports.

  3. Click Done.

Your changes only affect the file currently being imported. The next time you open this dialog box, the default values are used.