Managing Representations

You can load or unload representations in Product Structure Design. The product structure data model is made of four entities: product, product instance, representation and representation instance.

See Also
Unloading Objects
  1. Select one or more products.
  2. From the Tools section of the action bar, click Manage Representations .
    The Representation Management dialog box appears.
  3. Optional: Choose a Selection mode.
    Select All
    Select Children
    Select Others
    Select Inversion
    Select Parent
    Select Siblings
    Select Leaves
  4. Select an action. By default, Load all Representations under selected object is selected.
    1. Load all Representations under selected object: Loads in session all the representations under selected objects.
      A Manage Representation panel is displayed and lets you chose if you want to proceed with your action.
      Warning: This operation cannot be undone.
    2. Unload all Representations under selected object: Unloads from session all the representations under selected objects.
      A Manage Representation panel is displayed and lets you chose if you want to proceed with your action.
      Warning: This operation cannot be undone.
    3. Let Me choose: Lets you chose for every representation under selected objects whether to load it or unload it.
      A list of the representations and their status (Loaded or Unloaded) is displayed. Click the status of any representation to change it to load or unload.
      Warning: This operation cannot be undone.
  5. Click Next to validate your selection.
    The selected representations are loaded or unloaded as per selection in panel. Representations are loaded in Visu mode.
    Note: By default, representations are loaded in Visu mode but you can switch to Edit mode. For more information, see Switching Representations to Edit Mode.