About Virtual Contact

A virtual contact interaction models the motion of a part that is restrained by contact with another surface.

See Also
Defining Virtual Contact Interactions
About Analytical Rigid Surfaces
About Rigid Bodies

Virtual contact is appropriate when the contacted part is rigid or has negligible deformation compared with the part that you are simulating. Using virtual contact gives more realistic results than a clamp restraint and is easier to set up than surface-based contact.

When you define virtual contact for part of your model, the app automatically creates a mesh conforming to the shape of the selected faces. This mesh acts as a contact surface for those faces. The contact interaction is also created automatically. You can specify an initial clearance value between your model and the virtual part surface.

The created surface acts as a rigid body whose motion is controlled by a single point. You should constrain the motion of the point before simulation to ensure that you have a well-constrained model. Virtual contact interactions support all loads and constraint types supported by rigid bodies.