Configuring Manufacturing BOM Using Schema

Many aspects of the app are controlled through the administrative objects installed with the framework. For example, the policy that governs a business object type controls who can work with that kind of business object, what they can do, and during which states. This section describes some common configuration changes that you may want to make. All these changes can be made using MQL.

When making changes to schema, remember these important points:

  • When changing names of administrative objects, change only the administrative object name, not the symbolic Configuring Manufacturing BOM Using Schema name. For more information on changing administrative object names and on symbolic names see the Collaboration and Approvals Administration Guide.
  • Whenever you remove the Originator attribute from a type, make sure you turn off the trigger that populates the attribute by removing the Create and Revision triggers from the type.
  • Because the app internationalizes all onscreen text--including schema names--using a string resource properties file, changing schema names does not change the names displayed onscreen. For instructions on how to change the onscreen names for internationalized schema, including policy states and attributes ranges, see the Collaboration and Approvals Administration Guide.

The following table contains business object types and attributes that you most likely want to change. All other business objects can also be configured to reflect specific business terminology.

Type Attribute Function
MCO Originator The person who initially creates an object
Plant ID Indicates the related plant
Release Distribution Group Indicates what group of users are to be notified at release
Responsible Manufacturing Engineer Indicates which lead Manufacturing Engineer is assigned to the change
Responsible Senior Manufacturing Engineer Holds the name of the Senior Manufacturing Engineer who reviews an MCO at the Review state
MBOM Start Date Holds the timestamp of the start date of relationship's effectivity
Reason For Sequence Change Reason for part revision sequence change
PartMaster Originator The person who initially creates an object
ERP-Ref Holds ERP part number or reference number for a part.
Has Alternate Part Indicates if highest revision of part has alternate part assigned or not
Part All Level MBOM Generated Indicates if All Level MBOM can be generated
End Item Indicates if a part is a saleable product or selectable feature in product configuration.
End Item Override Enabled Indicates if a part's lead plant assignment can be automatically overridden by the lead plant assignment of a higher level end item