Name | Name of the component part. This column contains highlighted links. Click on any name in this column to view the Properties page for that object. |
Type | The part type or subtype. |
Status | The current state of the part in its lifecycle. |
Make/Buy | Shows either Make (items designed and fabricated in house), or Buy (items bought from outside sources), based on the value of Make/Buy from the Current and Pending revisions of the MCO affected items (Manufacturing Responsibility relationship). |
Pref Rank | Preference Rank for the substitute part if multiple substitute parts are defined for a part: 0 (no preference), 1 (preferred part), 2 (secondary preference rank), 3 (third preference rank). |
Stype | How the part is supplied to the production line. The following options are available:- Push. Issue material according to a schedule or job order
- Pull. Issue material on demand using operations
- Unassigned. The supply type has not yet been assigned
Auth Status | Authorization status for the plant to use the substitute part: A (authorized), NA (not authorized), R (authorization requested), or P (processing request). |
Selected | Shows “Yes” if the substitute part, alternate part, is selected for the primary part during
the manufacturing BOM generation process for the specified plant. |
Target Start | Target start date for the effectivity of the part in the manufacturing BOM, based on the plant time zone. |
Target End | Target end date for the effectivity of the part in the manufacturing BOM, based on the plant time zone. |