Plant Attribute Details

The Plant Attribute Details page shows plant-specific information pertaining to the associated part.

To access this page:


  1. Access the MBOM page in EBOM Common view. See Part Bill of Materials - Plant Preferences View.
  2. Click in the plant icon column of the MBOM.

The Plant Attribute Details page opens. It shows the following columns:

NameName of the component part. This column contains highlighted links. Click on any name in this column to view the Properties page for that object.
TypeThe part type or subtype.
StatusThe current state of the part in its lifecycle.
Make/BuyShows either Make (items designed and fabricated in house), or Buy (items bought from outside sources), based on the value of Make/Buy from the Current and Pending revisions of the MCO affected items (Manufacturing Responsibility relationship).
Pref RankPreference Rank for the substitute part if multiple substitute parts are defined for a part: 0 (no preference), 1 (preferred part), 2 (secondary preference rank), 3 (third preference rank).
StypeHow the part is supplied to the production line. The following options are available:
  • Push. Issue material according to a schedule or job order
  • Pull. Issue material on demand using operations
  • Unassigned. The supply type has not yet been assigned
Auth StatusAuthorization status for the plant to use the substitute part: A (authorized), NA (not authorized), R (authorization requested), or P (processing request).
SelectedShows “Yes” if the substitute part, alternate part, is selected for the primary part during the manufacturing BOM generation process for the specified plant.
Target StartTarget start date for the effectivity of the part in the manufacturing BOM, based on the plant time zone.
Target EndTarget end date for the effectivity of the part in the manufacturing BOM, based on the plant time zone.