Part Bill of Materials - Plant Preferences View

The following describes the BOM in Plant Preferences View.

To access this page:

  1. Find the part by clicking Search from the top bar. For details, see About Searches. From the list of parts, click the highlighted link in the Name column of the part you want to view, or click at the end of the row to view the Properties page in a new browser window.
  2. Click the Bill of Materials category.
  3. Click the Plant Preferences tab.

By default, the BOM contains the following columns. This table is configurable, so your organization’s BOMs may show different information.

If Materials Compliance Management is installed and you have the role of Compliance Engineer or Design Engineer, the table also may show columns relating to RoHS, IMDS, and ELV. You can also use the commands in the page Compliance menu. For details, click a command and click on the form that opens, or see the Materials Compliance Management User's Guide.

See Also
Filtering Plant Preferences View
Part Bill of Materials - Plant Preferences View Page Reports
Editing Part Bill of Materials - Plant Preferences
Part Bill of Materials - Plant Preferences Action Menu
NameName of the component part. This column contains highlighted links. Click on any name in this column to view the Properties page for that object.
Shows a deviation icon for parts that have an active deviation. Click the icon to view the DCR for the part. See ECR Properties. Deviation icons are only shown if the Show Deviation value is True in the page toolbar.
Shows a plant icon for parts that have an associated plant. Click the icon to view attribute details for the plant associated with that part. See Plant Attribute Details.
BOM Attributes
RevThe revision number or code
Mfg Part UsePossible values are: Primary, Substitute, or Alternate. Every part in the BOM is shown as Primary if it does not have a Substitute or Alternate object.
End ItemShows Yes or No to indicate if the part is an end item or not.
ReplacesThe part name for which the context object is a Substitute/Alternate. For primary parts, this column is empty.
TypeThe type or subtype of the part revision
PolicyName of the policy that governs the part
F/NThe find number is an ID that is used on drawings as “bubble” callouts. Find numbers must be unique at any given level in the BOM. They are usually integer values: 1, 2, 3…
Ref DesThe reference designator ID is used on printed circuit cards to indicate the location an electronic component is to be inserted. Reference designators are usually values like R1, R2, R7 or C1, C5 (R for resistor and C for capacitor).
Comp LocationComponent location of the part. Similar to Reference Designator, but used to give additional location information and/or can be used by industries other than electronics. For example, it can be used to indicate which motor is failing all the time, the one by the window or the one by the furnace.
DescriptionDetails about the part
StateCurrent state of the part in its lifecycle
QtyThe quantity of the selected part included in the BOM
U of MUnit of Measure: LB(pound), IN(inch), GA(gallon), FT(feet), EA(each).
UsageStandard, Reference, Per Sales Order, or As Required
Plant-Specific Attributes
Make/BuyShows either Make (items designed and fabricated in house), or Buy (items bought from outside sources), based on the value of Make/Buy from the latest released sequence (Current) of the MCO affected items (Part Revision relationship). If there is no current value, then the column shows Unassigned.
StypeThe supply type specifies how the part is supplied to the production line. The following options are available:
  • Push. Issue material according to a schedule or job order
  • Pull. Issue material on demand using operations
  • Unassigned. The supply type has not yet been assigned
Auth StatusAuthorization status for the plant to use the substitute part: A (authorized), NA (not authorized), R (authorization requested), or P (processing request).
Pref RankPreference Rank for the substitute part if multiple substitute parts are defined for a part: 0 (no preference), 1 (preferred part), 2 (secondary preference rank), 3 (third preference rank).
SelectedShows “Yes” if the substitute part, alternate part is selected for the primary part during the manufacturing BOM generation process for the specified plant.
Target Start DateTarget start date for the effectivity of the part in the manufacturing BOM, based on the plant time zone.
Target End DateTarget end date for the effectivity of the part in the manufacturing BOM, based on the plant time zone.