Editing Part Bill of Materials - Plant Preferences

You can add and remove new and existing parts from the BOM.

Before you begin: Search for and select a manufacturing part.
See Also
Filtering Plant Preferences View
Part Bill of Materials - Plant Preferences View Page Reports
Part Bill of Materials - Plant Preferences Action Menu
  1. Access the bill of materials page of a manufacturing part. See Part Bill of Materials.
  2. From the page tabs, click Plant Preferences.
  3. From the page toolbar, click Edit All. The button name toggles to View All to permit you to return to view mode.

    You can expand or collapse each part level of the BOM by clicking the plus (+) and minus (-) buttons to the left of the part name or, from the page toolbar, click Expand All to expand all parts or click Expand n levels to select the number of levels to expand, or select one of the following:

    • All. Shows BOM assemblies in all levels of the BOM hierarchy above the part.
    • End Item. The BOM is searched up to the level of the first end item in each branch. If no end item is available in a given level of a branch, the search is continued up to the highest level. Only the first end item in each branch is displayed.

    The table displays two sections: BOM Attributes and Plant-Specific Attributes.

  4. Make modifications, as necessary. For details about the attributes that can be changed, see Part Bill of Materials - Plant Preferences View.
  5. To quickly change the same attribute for many first-level BOM parts, you can use the Mass Update menu from the page toolbar.
    1. From the Mass Update menu, select the attribute you want to change.
    2. In the field that the BOM displays, type the new value for the attribute or select a new value from the list.
    3. Click Apply to Selected to apply the change only to checked parts or click Apply to All to apply the change to all parts.