Copying an MBOM

You can copy an MBOM created for one plant to another plant.

When an MBOM is copied:

  • The latest MBOM is copied from the source plant to the target plant.
  • A new MCO is created to implement the newly-created MBOM with infinity effectivity date. You can modify this date later as required.
  • MBOMs of all subassemblies in all levels below the assembly part are copied over from the source plant, unless an MBOM for a subassembly already exists in the target plant.

Before you begin: Access a part Bill of Materials page in Plant-Specific edit mode (Current & Pending view).See Editing Part Bill of Materials - MBOM Plant-Specific.
  1. Click to open the Refinements panel to select filter options.
    1. Set the View value to Current & Pending.
    2. Select a Plant from the list. You must be a member of the selected plant.
    3. Click Filter.
  2. From the page Actions menu or toolbar, click Copy MBOM.
  3. Select the source plant whose MBOM is to be copied. The context plant is shown by default.
  4. Click to select the target plant.
  5. Click Done.

A new MCO is created for the target plant. The MCO Properties page opens. See MCO Properties.