Removing Manufacturing Parts From a BOM

You can remove manufacturing parts that are not phantom parts from an MBOM.

  • If the MCO associated with the part is in the Create state (MBOM status is pending), manufacturing parts can be removed without a change order.
  • If the MCO is released and the MBOM status is “Current,” then a context change order is required.
  • Parts that are removed (or replaced) from a released MBOM are not listed in the MCO. The MCO filter displays only those parts that have been added to the MBOM.

Before you begin: Access a part Bill of Materials page in MBOM Plant-Specific edit mode (Current & Pending view). See Editing Part Bill of Materials - MBOM Plant-Specific.
  1. Select one or more parts that you want to remove.
  2. From the page Actions menu or toolbar, click Remove.
    • Removed part details are changed to red strikethrough text with in front of the part name.
    • The selected parts are disconnected from the parent parts. If the selected MBOM connection is already released, then the part removal is considered as a change in MBOM. The MCO search page opens. Select an MCO in the Create state to implement the change.
    • If the MBOM connections are not yet released and the MCO implementing the MBOM connection is in the Create state, then the parts are removed and no MCO is required for this action.
  3. Click Save.