Working with a Mechanical Interface Representation

To create a mechanical interface template, a feature must be opened in a mechanical interface 3D shape representation.

A mechanical interface 3D shape representation is different from the usual 3D shape representation. You can open a new mechanical interface 3D shape representation, and create or open a feature in this representation.

This task shows you how to:

Open a Mechanical Interface Representation from the Top Bar

  1. In the top bar, select Add > Content.
  2. In the New Content panel, select Mechanical Templates > Mechanical Interface Template under Type.
    The app is loaded in a new tab with a new mechanical interface 3D shape representation, Mechanical Interface Template.

Open a Feature in Mechanical Interface Representation

Before you begin: Open the 3D shape representation which serves as a template in an authoring app like Part Design where it is created or modified.
  1. From this authoring app, copy the part body and other geometrical sets.
  2. Paste them into the newly created mechanical interface 3D shape representation. See Open a Mechanical Interface Representation from the Top Bar.
    The part body is inserted in the mechanical interface 3D shape representation. You can now create a template to define interfaces for the part body.
    Note: You can create a template for any body in a 3D shape representation. By default, the part body is considered for template creation. The part body is duplicated under a geometrical set named Simplified Geometry. This geometrical set is added in the tree under the Mechanical Interface node.

    If the template is to be created for body other than the part body, copy and paste this target body under the Simplified Geometry node.

Create a Feature in Mechanical Interface Representation

  1. In the top bar, select Add > Content.
  2. In the New Content panel, select Mechanical Templates > Mechanical Interface Template under Type.
    The app is loaded in a new tab with a new mechanical interface 3D shape representation, Mechanical Interface Template.
  3. In this app, create the part.

    Important: First open a new mechanical interface 3D shape representation and then open an app to create a part. If you create the part in a 3D shape representation and then select Mechanical Interface Templates Capture from the Compass, the part is still under the 3D shape representation and not the mechanical interface 3D shape representation.

  4. From the Compass, select an authoring app like Part Design.
  5. Create the part.
  6. From the Compass, click Mechanical Interface Templates Capture.
    The part is now in the mechanical interface 3D shape representation.You can now create a template to define its interfaces.