Identifying Free Edges

You can display free edges within a mesh. Free edges within a 3D mesh identify areas where the surface mesh and 3D mesh are incompatible. An edge of a 2D mesh that is shared with a 3D mesh (using the capture, coating, and extrusion mesh actions) is no longer a free edge.

By default, the Free Edges Checker hides everything except the active FEM representation and its corresponding assembly, a behavior that provides better performance for large or complex models. You can override the default behavior to display the nonactive FEM representations and the 3D shapes associated with those FEM reps by selecting No automatic visualization in the Preferences. For more information, see FE Model.

See Also
Meshing Geometries
  1. From the Check section of the action bar, click Free Edges .
    The Free Edges dialog box appears. If free edges are detected, you can visualize the number of subsets.
  2. To focus on and scan the subsets of free edges, select Autofocus, and use the controls to switch between the displayed edges.

    Tip: You can use the clipping box tool to better visualize the subsets of free edges while you browse them. For more information, see Using the Clipping Box.

  3. Click Close.