Visualizing How Mesh Rules Are Implemented

You can view the features where mesh rules are applied based on model geometry and rules selection.

Before you begin: To visualize the mesh rules, you must:
  • create or edit a surface mesh
  • create and apply rules based on feature geometry
  • open the Surface Mesher (Edit in the surface mesh dialog box)
See Also
Creating and Editing Surface Meshes
Creating and Modifying Meshing Rules
  1. From the Check section of the action bar, click Meshing Rules Visualization .
    The Rules Visualization toolbox appears.
  2. Select the rules that you want to view on the model.

    You can separately control the visualization of rules for each type of rule-based feature, or you can use Select all to view all rules simultaneously.

  3. Optional: Select Apply random colors to regenerate the colors for each rule and restore the defaults.

Any features that are affected by the current meshing rules are highlighted on the model. You can use the tool before meshing to preview the effects of the applied rules. You can also us it after meshing to determine which rules caused features to be ignored in the mesh.

Note: The highlighting indicated in the preview might not exactly match the final mesh because of the other mesh parameters applied in addition to the rules.

The table below indicates the highlight colors used for various feature conditions.

Removed features (any type) White
Constrained bead or half bead Pink
Constrained 2D or 3D holes Green
Constrained fillets Purple